8- Prom Dates and First Kisses

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Chloe's POV
     "Okay do we have everything planned right?" Aubrey asked as you enter the school.
     "Yes everything is ready." I say nervously. "What if they say no?"
"Then we humiliated ourselves." Aubrey said simply. "So we just need to make sure they don't say no."
"Gee thanks Bree that really helps." I say sarcastically. Man Beca is rubbing off on me.
"Yeah, yeah I know you hate me. Now hurry up and start setting things up before Beca gets here." Bree said pushing me in the detection of her locker.
"At least you don't have to wait all day." You say bitterly. "You can ask her whenever you want but I have to wait for her to figure it out."
"That is true." Aubrey said smiling smugly. "Anyway I need to go."
Aubrey quickly rushed off towards her math class while I slowly make my way to Becas locker. Once I get there I open the bag that I brought and looked at all of the small gifts and note cards. I quickly grab the note that has one on it and grabbed a small package of cookies and placed it with the note. I already put some cards in place before I got to school considering that they aren't on the school grounds. I see Beca walking over with Stacie and Emily so I quickly walk away from her locker before she sees me.
Becas POV
     "I'm telling you Stacie Jesse has to have a thing for soldier boy!" I argue. "He's always starting at him."
     "Yeah but you're missing the fact that Jesse is straight." Stacie counters as you approach your locker.
     "Yeah well so is everyone until you have your first experience." I say opening my locker oblivious to the note taped on it.
     "Hold up." Stacie said grabbing the note. "What's this?"
     "I don't know." I say grabbing the note.
Go to the place where the journey we once dread but now love began.
"It's a clue or something." I say after I read it. "I think I know what it's talking about too."
"Well then let's go." Stacie said linking our arms together. "So where are we going exactly?"
"Hey this is my hunt not yours." I say taking back my arm. "See you at lunch."
I quickly run off getting lost in the sea of students. I take a moment to look around and see new couples that have rich kids and rebels. I also notice friend groups with a mix of the groups. I Amalie at what me and Chloe accomplished. I then continue moving towards the front office. Once I get there I see another note sitting in the chair I did the day I got the assignment.
"Beca what can u help you with?" Me. Franklin asked once he saw me.
"Um I just came to get this." I say grabbing the note.
"Oh congratulations on completing the assignment by the way." He said with a proud smile.
"It's really no problem sir." I say before leaving the office.
You run past it every day on your way to third just pay a little more attention first.
     "What? This makes no sense." I say under my breath.
     I think about the roughy that I take to get to my third period. The only notable thing I pass on the way is a statue. I quickly run to the statue to see if I got it correct. When I arrived I saw a bother clue and a small box of chocolates. I smile seeing that they're my favorites. I quickly put the candy in my bag before reading the next clue.
We eat here in the cafeteria now but, where did we originally enjoy our easy opens?
Cafeteria... easy opens... past... I got it! I quickly run out into the parking lot and jump in my car. I quickly drive down to our old elementary school. I know it's a silly idea but it's the only thing that makes sense. I park in an empty face and head to the cafeteria. I find the table that I used to sit at and find myself a small little note. I smile before grabbing it and reading through it.
You jump around quite a lot so why not go visit where you jumped first.
    I think back to when Aubrey has to teach me how to jump rope. I run over to the playground to where the jump ropes were stored and found my next clue. I smile when I see a single rose sitting next to it.
You hate this part of you're past but I adore it so why don't you go visit it.
At this point I'm pretty sure that the person leaving the clues are Chloe. This particular clue makes me think back to when I opened up to Chloe about my mother. She told me that she thought I was brave for going through that. I think back to things that relate to her. My mind goes to her grave and Hidden Vally Park. I know that the seminary is closer so I go with that over the park. Once I arrived I slowly walked over to my moms grave. I see a clue and a bouquet of Lilly's by her grave. I smile at the sweet gesture. I pull out the rose I got and gave it to her before reading the clue.
This is a person you love quite a lot you like to spend time with her and her lot.
     Gertrude Fernsby. That clue was easy. The lot are the ducks and I do love her. She's like a mom to me. I was about to leave before I stoped and looked at my mothers grave. I bent down so I was level with the stone. She has music notes decorating it. She used to say I was her little music note. We would sing Disney songs together. Her favorite was always let's go fly a kite from Mary Poppens.
Let's go fly a kite
Up to the highest height!
Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring
Up through the atmosphere
Up where the air is clear
Oh, let's go fly a kite!
     I sing softly. I almost didn't recognized my own voice it's been so long. I smile slightly before making my way to the park. When I get there I see Mrs. Fernsby feeding the ducks as usual. I head over to the bench hoping to find a clue but I don't see one. My face slightly falls as I sit down.
     "Hello dear, is everything alright?" Mrs. Fernsby asked as she took in my mood.
      "Yeah it's just I've been following these clues all day and I thought one was here." I say in a defeated tone.
     "Oh there is it's just the ducks were trying to eat it." She says handing me a piece of paper.
     I quickly open it and read over the words
     I come off as annoying but I know you love me so what do you say to a tiny dance date?
I look at the note confused. A dance date? That doesn't make a lot of sense. I then felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see a slightly nervous Chloe.
"So what do you say?" Chloe asked shyly.
"Was this all you asking me to prom?" I asked only to receive a small nod. "If someone said no to this they would be stupid."
"So is that a yes?" Chloe asked with a hopeful eyes.
"Is a definite yes." I say before Chloe crushes me in a hug making me fall of the bench.
We both giggled now that we are both in the floor. Chloe pulled back slightly so our faces were inches apart. Chloe looked down at my lips then back to my eyes and I did the same. I made a bold move to close the gap. I was expecting fire works to go off or for my stomach to be doing flips. But it I just felt calm and at peace. Kissing Chloe just felt right. Chloe pulled away blushing like crazy but smiling none the less.
     "Man took you two long enough." Gertrude said from the bench only making Chloe blush more.
     "I agree." I say standing up then helping Chloe. "Come on we need to get to school."
     "Right. We need to be there before lunch." Chloe said dusting herself off.
     "Why before lunch?" I asked with a puzzled look. "That's so random."
     "Aubrey is going to ask Stacie to prom." Chloe says excitedly.
     "Then what are we waiting for let's go." I say dragging her to my car.
      The class before lunch seemed to go on forever. I was ready to watch Stacie get all flustered when Aubrey asked. Stacie has had a crush on Aubrey for years. She never acted on it due to the different groups but things have changed. The bell finally rang and I sprinted to the cafeteria. I saw Chloe already sitting down so I joined her.
     "Boo!" I say making her jump. "Did I miss it?"
     "Nope." Chloe said popping the p. "Once Stacie gets here she's going to ask though."
     Just then we both see Stacie wall into the cafeteria and sit across from us.
     "Hey babes." She said casually. "Hey Beca what were the clues for?"
     "It was Chloe's way of asking me to prom." I say happily. "And before you asked I said yes."
     "Good. If you said no I would definitely strangle you." Stacie said in a serious tone.
     "Thanks Stacie." Chloe said laughing.
     "Um Stacie?" Aubrey said timidly. "Can I ask you something?"
     "Yeah course. What's up?" Stacie said with her voice instantly softening.
     "I was wondering if you would want to go to prom with me?" Aubrey said holding out flowers and a box of chocolates. "I mean it's okay if you don't want to-"
     "Yes!" Stacie said excitedly cutting off Aubrey's rambling. "I definitely want to go with you."
     "Thank god." Aubrey said letting out a breath and handing Stacie the gifts.
     Stacie laughs before confidently kissing Aubrey. Once she pulled away Aubrey was very flustered. Man it's going to be one hell of a year.

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