15- She's Back

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Becas POV
     Me and Chloe were sitting on the bench with Mrs Fernsby like we do every Saturday. I was looking at the pond when I saw a lady across it.
"The fuck." I say quietly as I continued to stare at her.
"You okay baby?" Chloe asked me gently.
"Do you see that lady across the lake?" I ask pointing.
"Yeah. What about it?" Chloe asked. Right she hasn't met her.
"Nothing. I'll be right back." I stood up and walked around the lake. "Shit."
"Hello Rebeca." My mom said with her sweet smile that I thought I would never see again. "It's been awhile hasn't it."
My mother is Jade Mitchell. She looks very similar to me. I've always loved that. The only difference is that she has brown eyes.
"I'm going insane." I say forcing a laugh. "Or someone is playing a really sick joke. You're supposed to be dead."
"I am." She said nodding. "So I only have a short time. You need to bring them together."
"Like the rich kids and the rebels?" I asked with furrowed brows. "I've already done that."
     "Not them." She said shaking her head. "You."
      "What the hell does that mean!?" I yell out as she walked away. "Join them together?"
"You okay Becs? Who were you talking to?" Chloe asked once I sat down on the bench again.
"My mother." I say quietly as I look at my lap.
"I thought she was dead?" Chloe asked quietly.
"She is." I say nodding. "But she said I needed to join them together."
"Like the school? We already did that." Chloe said placing a comforting hand on my knee.
"No... not the school. Me. I don't understand though." I say looking up.
"Join them together..." Chloe quietly said as she sat and pondered. "Join them together!"
"What are you talking about?" I asked with furrowed brows.
"Your two sides. You still treat them as different people." Chloe said with a smile.
"How the hell do we do that?"
Chloe's POV
"Can I have everyone's attention please!" Beca yelled over the crowded cafeteria. "My name is Rebeca Jade Mitchell! Some people may call me Beca! If I knew you as a child I want you to call me what you did then!"
"Wait I can call you Reb again?" Aubrey asked looking up at her old best friend.
"No because that nickname sucked." Beca said looking down again. "Anyway, I come from rich parents but prefer the life style of the rebels. But we are the same person."
Beca quickly sat down in her chair and looked at her tray awkwardly. Beca wasn't really one for public speaking.
     "Good job baby." I say sweetly and put a comforting hand on her knee.
Several Years later (Becas POV)
     "Hey Becs?" Chloe asked from the living room of my dads living room. "Can you take Payton to the park?"
     It's been a few years. I'm now a famous music producer and Chloe works with unprivileged children. She teaches them music. We've been happily married for about eight years. We have a little girl named Payton who's five years old. She looks a lot like Chloe which I love. We're visiting our family for the summer.
     "Yep." I say with a smile. "Cone her munchkin. We're going out."
     "Where are we going?" Payton asked as I tied her shoes.
     "We're on the brink of an adventure. Don't spoil it with to many questions." I say picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder and spinning in a circle. "We're heading off."
     "Okay. Please be careful. Don't loose her." Chloe called after me.
     "Man you forget her one time and you can't be trusted." I say with a smile as I shake my head. "Say bye to mommy."
     "Bye mommy!" She said with a smile before we drove to the park.
     I was originally going to take her to willow park but I got a better idea. I took us to hidden valley park. We got out and started walking along the path.
"What's that lady doing mamma?" Payton asked as she pointed to none other than a Gertrude Fernsby.
"She's feeding the ducks." I explained just like my mother did to me all those years ago.
     "Can we feed them too?" She asked with a bright smile as she continued to watch her.
     "We can always ask." I lead Payton over to the ducks carefully. "Excuse me ma'am but my daughter was wondering if she could feed the ducks with you?"
     "Of course." Gertrude smiles sweetly and invited Payton to sit next to her like she did with me. "What's your name dear?"
      "Payton." She said shyly only to receive a smile.
      "What a lovely name for a lovely girl." She said. "My name is Gertrude Fernsby But you can call me Mrs Fernsby."
     "Okay." Payton said with her normal confidence. "That you for letting me feed the ducks with you Mrs Fernsby."
     "Of course sweetheart. Your welcome to feed them with me anytime." She said handing her more bread.
Payton day and fed the ducks having a pleasant conversation with Mrs Fernsby. This is a lot like the first time I met her.
"Can I go play on the playground?" Payton asked after awhile.
"Yeah, just be careful and make sure I can see you." I say before she ran off. "Did you know my mom? Before she asked you if I could feed the ducks?" As asked after a few moments of silence
"Yes. I also knew her mother and hers before that and hers before that and so on."
"Um I'm sorry but if you don't mind me asking how old are you?" Gertrude just winks at me before standing up and walking away from the bench.


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