17- I Made It

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Becas POV
     "This is it." I smile grabbing Chloe's hand. "I'm nervous."
     "You'll be fine. You're an amazing producer." Chloe reassures me. "You can do this."
     "I'm not going to win." I say shaking my head. "There is no possible way."
    "Keep talking like that and you won't get any tonight." Chloe said making my head snap to look at her.
     She's wear an stunning dress that gives me a great view of her cleavage. She really is beautiful. I love my girlfriend. This is the first time I've been nominated for an award and I'm fucking nervous. I'm wearing my moms dress. I thought it would give me luck. I still think I'm not going to win though.
     "I can do it!" I say causing Chloe to laugh.
     "That's more like it." She leaned over and whispered in my ear. "If you do win something very special will happen."
     I blush before turning my attention back into the stage. She has no idea what will happen if I win. God I really need to win.
     "Now for producer of the year. The nominees are," The announcer listed off a few names before he got to mine. "And Beca Mitchell."
     "There is no way." I mumbled under my breath as my grip tightened on Chloe's hand.
     "And the winner is..." He paused for dramatic effect. Of course he did. "Beca Mitchell!"
     "Oh well, I tried. Maybe next time." I shrugged and Chloe just looked at me dumbfounded.
     "Beca you won." Chloe whispered quietly.
     "Oh shit." I say standing up and walking on stage and accepting the award. "Not going to lie, I thought I lost. I definitely said I would try next time. So uh... I won... apparently. I should've listened to Chloe and prepare a speech just in case." I say Chloe shake her head and face palm. "Umm... I'd like to thank the academy that I didn't go to, no kidding. But I would like to say thanks to my mom for showing me music. I really wish she could be here... I guess she kinda is. I mean, this is her dress. I also need to thank my girlfriend, because she's awesome." Chloe just rolled her eyes at my awkwardness with a smile. "Wait, I know what to say now. I love Chloe Beale. She steels my hoodies, and stool my heart. I don't know what she's going to steel next but I hope it's my last name, what do you say Beale?"
     Chloe's mouth dropped as I just smirked. She gave me  look to ask if I was serious. I may or may not have been fake purposing here the same pick up line all week.
     "This time is for real by the way." I added.
     She looked at me zenith a faint smile on her face. It's even larger than a Beale smile. I didn't think that was possible. She put her hands over her mouth before nodding... like a lot. I think she got whip lash.
     "You guys can't see but she's going like this" I say copying her actions. "So I'm taking that as a yes. That's all thanks for voting for me or whatever. Y'all are awesome. Oh and a special thank you to Mrs. Fernsby."
     I made my way off the stage award in hand. Once I got close enough Chloe tackles me with a faint hug and nuzzles her face in my neck. I feel a tear land in my shoulder.
     "Oh baby, I didn't mean to make you cry." I say softly rubbing her back.
     "I know." She said sniffling. "I love you Becs."
     "I love you too." I say kissing her head. "I also have a ring but not on me. I don't have pockets."
     Chloe giggles before releasing me. "You would definitely loose it." She pecked my lips before sitting back down.
     After we went to a park and just walked around with Payton. We could've gone to the after party but decided against it.
     I didn't make it when I got my first job, I didn't make it when I worked with Beyoncé. I also didn't when I won my first Grammy. I made the day Chloe Beale said I do and became Chloe Mitchell. I made it the day we were joined together.
                 The End, The End

A/N- I wasn't satisfied with the ending. So I made another chapter. I like this ending better. So don't hate me for lying to you. But I won't be adding anymore chapters... I think. Also I decided they weren't married when they had Payton as decided this chapter.

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