9- Dress shopping

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Chloe's POV
     I was standing by my locker changing out my books when I saw Beca talking with Jesse. I smile to myself as I finish at my locker. I walk over to Beca and see Jesse walk away.
     "Hey you." Beca said while giving me a genuine smile. "What's up?"
      "Well I have two questions." I say smiling back at her.
      "Then I have two answers." Beca said wrapping her arms around my waist.
     "Well first off I was wondering if you were wearing a dress or a suit?" I say placing my arms around her neck. "And second if you're wearing a dress do you want to go dress shopping after school?"
      "Well I was planning on wearing a suit." Beca said while pulling me slightly closer. "But I would still like to go dress shopping with you. You can show me all the dresses you like a stuff."
     "No Mitchell you are not allowed to go dress shopping with her." Aubrey said while walking up beside us.
     "And why can't I Posen." Beca said crossing her arms and smirking.
     "Because your prom date can't see what you're wearing until the day of." Aubrey said a matter of factly. "So I will go dress shopping with Chloe and you can go with Stacie."
     "But Stacie isn't as pretty as Chloe." Beca said with a slight wine.
     "Wow Beca. That hurt." Stacie said now joining the conversation. "I am way prettier than Chloe."
     "That's debatable." Beca said shrugging.
     "No it isn't." Stacie said. "Aubrey who's prettier me or Chloe?"
     "Oh definitely you." Aubrey said while kissing Stacie on the cheek
     "Okay Aubrey is not the person to ask." I say while looking around to see who we could. "Hey Jesse!"
     "What's up?" Jesse said walking back over to us.
     "Who's prettier Chloe or Stacie?" Beca asked.
     "Well they are both average." Jesse said quite bluntly. "I have seen far more attractive people."
     "See gay." Beca said under her breath to Stacie.
     "Well who would you say is the most attractive person in school?" Stacie asked while raising her eyebrow.
     "Oh that's easy Chic-Charlotte. Yeah Charlotte." Jesse said nodding his head.
     "Um Jesse... there's no one named Charlotte here." I say pressing my lips together. "Who were you really going to say?"
     "No one. It's not important." Jesse said before walking off.
     "He was totally going to say Chicago." Beca said while subtly grabbing my hand.
     "Did someone say my name?" Chicago said walking over.
     "Yeah I did." Aubrey said quickly. "Who's prettier Stacie or Chloe?"
     "Will I get punched for answering?" Chicago said taking a small step back. Once both Stacie and Aubrey shook their heads he continued. "Well if I had to choose between the two I would say Chloe."
     "See not gay." Stacie said under her breath this time to Beca.
     "But that is only because Jess-Jasmine wasn't an option. Yeah Jasmine." Chicago said in a similar tone as Jesse before quickly leaving.
      "Anyway Chlo you will need to tell me what color your dress is. And they are both totally gay."Beca said simply before walking off.
     "Sorry Stacie looks like I'm prettier." I say shrugging my shoulders.
     "Fine. But only slightly." Stacie said before leaving with Aubrey.
     I slightly laugh as I walk towards my next class.
Becas POV
After school me and Stacie went dress shopping. I was scrolling through Instagram when Stacie finally found one she wanted to show me. It was a nice off the shoulder red dress that went down to about her knees.
"So what do you think." Stacie said spinning around a bit. "Do you think Bree will like it?"
"She'll like it but I think she'll like.." I pause slightly looking around at all the dresses the store had before I saw the perfect one. "This one. She'll like this one more."
"You think?" Stacie asked taking the dress and looking at it skeptically.
"You do realize I used to be her best friend before high school right? She love it. Now go try it on." I say confidently.
Stacie went into the changing room to try on the new dress. I was looking around and saw a dress that I would honestly wear. My eyes lingered on the dress but the Stacie came out to show me her new dress.
"Oh my god I love this dress." Stacie said happily. "Bree will love it."
The dress was a deep red. The color reminded me of the color of wine. The torso was decorated with black jewels. The dress looked amazing on Stacie.
"Told ya." I said with a cocky smirk.
Stacie noticed me standing by the dress and she gave me a knowing look accompanied by a smirk.
"So do you like this dress?" Stacie said grabbing it. "Why don't you try it on?"
"Yeah I don't do dresses." I say awkwardly. "Besides I told chloe I was wearing a suit."
"Then it could be a nice surprise if you like the dress. And if you don't then it doesn't matter." Stacie said shoving the dress in my hands. "Now go try it on!"
I shake my head in disbelief it try the dress on nonetheless. I looked at myself in the mirror and I thought back to a talk I had with my mom when I was ten or so.
"Why are you getting dressed up mommy?" I asked as I watched her put on makeup while wearing a grey dress.
"Because me and daddy are going on a date." My mom said sweetly. "How about you help me put on some lipstick."
I happily take the makeup and carefully put it on my mother's lips. It's something she always let me do and I loved it.
"Hey momma when I go to prom can I wear this dress?" I say once I finished.
"Of course." She said smiling. "I'm sure whatever girl you go with will love his dress." Her last comment went right over my head.
This dress looked exactly like that one she wore that night. I know my dad sold all of her old clothes once she died so I was never able to wear any of them. I really don't know why someone would want to buy them considering she sewn her name into each piece of clothing.
"Hey do you need any help?" Stacie said through the door. "You've been in there awhile."
"Um no I'm fine." I say before leaving the changing room. "So what do you think?"
"I swear to god if you don't wear that to prom I'm killing you." Stacie said in a serious tone. "You look so beautiful in it."
"I don't know. I'm not much a dress person I think I'll her a suit." I say grabbing the closet suit which happened to be a maroon one.
"Fine do what you want." Stacie said going to change out of her dress.
I quickly go to change out of my own only to notice something on the back of the dress. It looked like some thread. Once I got a closer look I noticed it was a word.
"Jade Mitchell." I say quietly. It was my moms dress.
I finish up in the changing room to see Stacie buying her dress.
"You ready to go?" Stacie asked once she finished.
"Yeah I'll um catch up with you." I say standing by the counter. Once she left I turned to the lady behind the counter. "Hi can you put these two items on hold?"
"Of course what name is it under?" She asked politely while taking the dress and suit.
"Be- no Rebeca Mitchell." I say cutting myself off before I said Beca. "But can you put the suit under a different name?"
"Of course. What is that name exactly?" She said happily.
"Beca Mitchell." I say before leaving.
Chloe's POV
"Alright I think I'm ready." Stacie said from behind the curtain.
Me and Aubrey have gone to about two or three dress shops but this one seemed really promising. Aubrey came out in a deep blue form fitting dress.
"So what do you think?" Aubrey said with a spin.
"I mean it's cute and all but I'm not sure it's really you." I say honestly. "Try the other one you grabbed."
Aubrey nodded her head before going back into the changing room. I decided to wonder around the store to try and find some dresses for myself. I saw a light blue dress out of the corner of my eye. It was a dress that gave off a light and airy feel. I grabbed the dress before going back to Aubrey.
"Okay this is way better than the last one." Aubrey stepped out in a eight dress with a lace top with a few jewels. "I'm definitely getting this one."
"Good because if you won't then I will." I say in a joking tone. "But I'm going to try this dress on."
I go into the changing room and slip on the dress. It fit perfectly. I did a quick spin in the mirror. I walk out and Aubrey's face lit up.
"Oh my god Chloe you look beautiful." Aubrey said as I did a spin.
"I'm definitely buying this dress." I say with a huge smile on my face.
We both changed out of the dresses and went to the register to buy them. Once we finish I decided to shoot Beca a quick text.
Me- My dress is a light blue btw (5:45pm)
     Cutie- Great! I already have a suit on hold and I think it will match (5:47pm)
     Me- Awes (5:48pm)
     "You Ready to go Chlo?" Aubrey asked from her car.
     "Yeah I was just texting Beca what color my dress is." I say as I slowly lay my dress in the backseat of her car. "Now I say we go get pizza or something."
     "I agree." Aubrey said starting the car.
A/N- This is what There prom outfits will look like

Chloe's dress-

Stacie's dress-

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Stacie's dress-

Becas moms dress-

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Becas moms dress-

Becas moms dress-

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Becas suit

Aubrey's dress-

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Aubrey's dress-

Aubrey's dress-

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