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"Why?" Y/N whined

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"Why?" Y/N whined. Her family was pushing her to pack her things. They booked a flight for her to leave and have a vacation.

"I don't need it, mom!" She said.

"Yes you need it, darling," Her mom said sternly. "I've been watching you, you never take a break from work! I understand honey that you are striving. But you need to look out for your well being. Maybe you could give me a grandchild when you come back!" She winked.

"MOM! Never gonna happen!"

"Haha! yes, we'll see my child."


"They booked my flight but not accommodations? Seriously?" Y/N is currently looking for a place to stay. While her mind was elsewhere. She have been procrastinating the need to look for a place to stay. But she knew one way or another she will be looking for a place to stay, if she doesn't want to sleep on the streets.

"All hotels nearby are fully booked. Maybe a vacation house will do. But I need a cheaper one because I'll be just by myself." She thought.

After a few minutes of searching

"Oohhhh this will do. It's the cheapest I could find. It's not fancy but at least it's decent." She said.

The following Day

"Bye, mom! Bye, dad!"

"Take care dumpling," Dad said.

"Be careful darling?" Mom said.

"Yes. Mom, Dad I'll inform you when I get there".


I'm here in the taxi going to the house. I'm not excited about this vacation but my parents insisted on doing this for me. They said I was a workaholic. Well after graduating I still need to pay off my school loan. Of course, I don't want to trouble them too much. They gave me everything. I just want to repay them the best I can.

I was snapped out from my thoughts when the driver informed me that we had arrived.

"Thank you sir," I told him and handed him the payment.

"Is this where you'll be staying?" He asked while looking at the house. His look was a little bit? Worried?

"Oh yes. I got a sweet deal on this house. I took this because being a fresh grad and all. I'm still not financially stable and the hotels are all booked" I explained.

He gulped nervously. What was his problem? "Really? Well, good luck miss." He said while unloading my bag.

"But sir could you please help me carry this inside?"

He grimaced "I-I'm sorry miss but I need to go!" He said while getting into his car and then he drove as fast as he could. It was like he was scared.

"Weird," I muttered.

I looked at the house, it was well built and all but I got this weird aura... But I just shrugged it off.

"Hello, are you new?"

I jumped. Startled I turn my head towards the voice. It was a boy, He was wearing black ripped denim pants and a black hoodie, He had brown hair which looked soft and fluffy. He had big doe eyes... He looked cute.

He walked in front of me. "Sorry to startle you. I'm Jungkook." He offered his hand.

"Y/N," I took it. His hand was soft but at the same time, he had a strong grip. Gosh, how good could his hand feel?

He coughed and I looked down to see I was still holding his hand.

"Uhm so-sorry," I said and looked to the side, embarrassed. I was blushing too... damn he might think I'm a pervert.

Jungkook's POV

She's cute. I coughed and she quickly let go of my hand.

She looks at another direction while blushing.

"Cute," I murmured.

"What?" She said.

"I-I mean I live nearby just tell me if you need someone to guide you," I said then smiled.

"Okay. Thank you Jungkook." She said.

I turned around and bid her goodbye

"You look cute, but what a waste that cute face could never be seen by anybody else. Once you enter the house you could never see your family again." I thought then smirked.


The following day started fast. Y/N woke up with dark circles under her eyes. She wasn't able to sleep early because she unpacked her things all night, but what she found strange was the atmosphere of the house. It seemed like someone was watching her but she knew she was all alone. She felt tired last night but because of the feeling she felt uneasy and ended up sleeping late.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the doorbell rang. Someone was at the door but she didn't expect anyone. She quickly stood up and peeked through peephole only to be surprised by the man from yesterday.

"Hello? Good morning. How may I help you?" She quickly said as she opened the door.

"Hi! Y/N what are your plans today?" He asked.

She stood before him for a couple of minutes thinking of the man's question.

"Uhm... why?" Was all she said.

He immediately felt his cheeks burn. He thought maybe he was too straightforward. He quickly coughed and rephrased his question.

"I mean if you want I could guide you around," He said while flashing her his bunny smile.

Jungkook's POV

I waited for her in the living room while she was getting ready for our tour around.

I need her to be attracted to me immediately. I'm becoming lonely here all by myself, why did they have to leave me? If they didn't do that maybe I wouldn't be bored. Besides, it was just an old drunkard. But the good thing was I don't need to make up a story for his disappearance. Nobody searched for him. It was like nobody really cared.

I smiled while thinking about it myself.
When I looked up I caught her staring at me.

"Yes? Are you ready?" I asked as I looked up to her.

"Yes!" She said while she headed to the door excitedly.

I opened the door and let her out first then locked it behind me.

"Where do you want to start?" I asked.

"Wherever you want to show me first," She said smiling.

"Well then Let's go!" I said while I held her hand. She was startled but never protested.

"This is might be easy," I thought.

(A/N: This story is based on my dream so It will be just a short story. Please don't forget to vote or comment. Thank you 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜)

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