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Jungkook's house was located in the center of the woods. I can tell by the dense trees that surrounded us. His house has electricity despite the location since he has his own generator that's why I thought we where still in the rural part of town.

The house was a mix of bricks and wood. The floors were wood while the wall was made of bricks. It looks old and seems like it was built a long time ago. The interior design was the thing that creeped me out the most.

Different animals were displayed on the fireplace, birds, cats, and dogs. Hunting equipment was everywhere. A bear and a deer were mounted by the living room. By the hallway was a mounted tiger. There was a huge glass display that divided the dining hall and kitchen. Inside it was a snake and a fox. It looked so real, so alive and so creepy.

I came back to reality as soon as Jungkook spoke: "My mom was a taxidermist and my dad was a forensic pathologist, he's also a hunter in his free time."

"So you mean you're mom made this?" I asked referring to the weirdly designed house.

"Yes, it's the only memory I have of them." He informed me grimly.

"What do you mean?" Curiosity was now evident and I can't help but ask him.

"My dad died in a car crash. A year later my mom followed him." He told me while his head hung low.

Way to go Y/N! Now he's sad.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said now guilty for being too nosy.

"No, it's okay. It happened years ago. I've moved on." He spoke and looked at me intently before continuing, "But they will always be in my heart. Besides hunting is what my dad left for me. So as I hunt it feels like he's still here."

He smiled and once again I felt weird seeing his smile. It was downright creepy. I just gave him a small smile and continued eating.

After eating Jungkook brought me back to my house. He said he'll just buy groceries and come back later. I took that as an opportunity to call my parents.

"Hi, mom! How are you and dad?" I asked after she answered the call just to ask how I miss them.

"We're fine. How about you? How's your vacation?" Mom asked happily.

I gulped not really knowing what to say. I took a deep breath before I spoke again, "It's okay mom? I guess? I met a guy... "

"You met a guy?" She said shockingly as she took in the news.

"Yes mom," I said flatly. Since I know she must be cheering on the other line.

"How is he? When will we see him? Are you gonna get married now?" Now she bombarded me with questions.

"Mom!" I gasped.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. So how was he?" She just laughed.

I exhaled and pinched the bridge of my nose before answering; "He's fine. But kinda weird?"

"What do you mean honey?" She asked.

"I sometimes think I see him smile or look at me creepily. It's really weird. Mom I also see things. I think I see some ghosts?" I explained.

She fell silent and after a few minutes she spoke: "What do you mean honey?"

"I mean I see someone I don't even know looking at me. Even if no one should be there. He was like scaring or warning me. I don't know mom. I think I'm going crazy." I can't help it, I cried as I was talking to my mom. I feel anxiety and fear taking over me.

"Honey I know I'm not with you but please take a deep breath, calm down and listen to me carefully." Mom tried comforting me since she knew I sometimes tend to overthink things.

After doing what my mom said I spoke again and told her I was fine.

"You may experience some things or see things but that doesn't mean they are real honey." She carefully said.

"Great so you don't believe me." I can't help it, I blurt it out. Mom must think I'm just overreacting.

"It's not that honey.." She tried to coax me.

I just couldn't take it anymore I need to end the call. "No. It's fine. Bye mom."

I sighed and laid on my bed. I knew it, mom will just think I'm crazy. But I can't blame her. I, myself think this is insane. "I might just be overthinking things," I thought.

"No, you're not!" A voice said.

"You're just being careful and that's fine." A second voice spoke and it was rather deep than the first one.

I furrowed my eyebrows and quickly got up and looked frantically around the room until my eyes land on two pairs of eyes, directly looking at me.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest. It was beating fast. I felt like I could hear my heartbeat through my ears. Before me, stood two men, probably the same as my age.

The taller man wore worn-out jeans and light blue polo which was full of dried blood and torn apart. He had a big wound in his head which had blood and a dark substance oozing out from it. He had tie marks around his wrist and feet. He didn't wear any shoes so I was able to see his feet that were bloodied and full of glass shards. The smaller one was the one I saw in the bathroom. He was soaked with water and pale. Both looked like they were beaten to death. Their faces were nearly unrecognizable because of the bruises, wounds, and their lips that turned black.

I wasn't able to move. All I did was stare at them and their horrifying image. I felt sorry for them but I also felt sorry for myself. Why did I have to see them? What could they possibly want from me? Who are they?

"I'm Jimin and this is Taehyung." As if on cue the smaller one said and gestured to the taller man that was beside him. While he was talking I can't help but be scared more as he moved his hands that didn't have nails. His mouth that was moving while speaking had green slimy liquid coming out from it. Fuck what was that?

My mind went overdrive, I can't speak. I felt like my mouth dried up. My breathing became uneven and my body felt numb. While all the hair around my body raised.

Two ghosts or monsters? I don't know what they were! But they were talking to me. This was way beyond creepy. I was internally freaking out and before I knew it I fainted.

(A/N: Thank you for reading I love you guys! I know it may lack vision or anything? But I'm trying hahaha 😅 take care 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜)

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