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A makeup artist??

Right when I read the word I got crazy that I bumped into a stranger and my phone fell on the ground.

Y/n: "Ohhh no no no, my phone.." I sobbed as I look up to see a pretty cute guy a little younger that me and has a straight coloured hair, I got up from the ground and apologized for the accident that just happened and so did he

??: Oh god her phone is on the ground... I hope it's not shattered, she's pretty cute tho..
I blushed a little at the thought 'cute' as I picked up my phone to see that it is pretty fine, except, there is a little scratch on it, but I can live with it, I don't mind to be honest

When I was walking down the road to the cafe I bumped into a cute girl and her phone fell on the ground, I heard a little wince from the girl as I hoped it wasn't shattered
??: "Ohhh no no no, my phone.." she sobbed, as I saw her face and she seems older that me, she seems the same age as Tom. She apologized for the accident and so did I
Sam: "I'm so sorry for your phone, I'm Sam by the way"

??: " I'm so sorry for your phone, I'm Sam by the way"
Sam: she seems cool and fun I would love to get to know her...
Y/n: "Oh no it's ok, it isn't destroyed so you're good, I'm y/n, nice to meet you Sam"
Sam:" Nice to meet you too y/n"
Sam: y/n? This name sounds familiar, Shaun always talks about a y/n and how she is so loyal in her work, is she the y/n? Maybe I should ask her where was she before this happened.
Sam: " where were you coming from?"I chuckle at the question
That question really is weird but I had to answer so that I can prove that I am the y/n that Shaun is talking about, also, why is Shaun even talking about me??
Y/n: "Oh I just finished my shift, I work at the Starbucks cafe down the road"I say as he is amazed, probably because I am the y/n Shaun was talking about, wait, from where did Shaun know Sam? My thoughts were cut off when Sam's thoughts came in again
Sam: So she is THE y/n!
Found her! Maybe I should get her number?
I chuckle at the thought of getting my number, he seems sweet so why not.
Sam: " So... May I have your number? We can be friends and hang out sometimes!"
Sam: I have no talent in being an extrovert, what the heck am I doing? She's probably going to say no because I'm acting weird, oh god now she thinks I'm a some kind of a weirdo

(Too much 'weird' in one sentence)

I can't deny he does seem like a weirdo, but he's so cute so I decided to say yes
Y/n: " Ofcourse!"
I typed in the number and gave back his phone, we smiled at each other and we headed back to where we were going

5:15 pm
I head back to the house and lay on the bed to search for these marvel news again
Y/n: "Gotcha.."
I open the news to apply for being a make up artist, but they didn't show for who. I take a look at the Movie's poster on my phone to see that it is a Captain America movie not an Avengers one, so ofcourse if they want a makeup artist, then it will be for Chris Evans! Yeah he's cool, why not apply for it? I already know they are not going to pick me, as they always don't, so if I don't get chosen I won't be mad.

The day went by pretty normal
Until my phone decided to buzz twice, I have no idea why, I was just going to fall asleep untill my phone decided to be annoying, I saw there was a text from Sam and another notification, I opened Sam's text to read it:

Start text:
Hey y/n this is Sam, just decided to text you so that you know this was my number😅😊
Yeah sure I go it😊
End text.
It caught my eye that my phone was 1%, I was panicking, another thing caught my eye too is that there was another notification and it had a marvel logo on it, when I realized what I did this after noon I freaked out and my phone died

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