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I have been sitting here for hours waiting to fall asleep, but I can't because... I don't know, maybe I'm scared, scared of the darkness or scared to be alone? I still don't know.

I have made shelter and fire, I watched alot of survival videos on YouTube before we came here, just in case some situation like THIS happened, and it did

At what seemed like 11 pm at night I was falling asleep, but I didn't because I was scared that maybe a bear would come and eat me so I decided to stay awake till sun rise.

Some time after, I was lost in my thoughts staring at the fire in front of me until something got me back to earth. It was a feeling of worry, or being sorry, or a feeling of loss, it sure wasn't mine. I decided to look around me to see if anyone is here or maybe call for help, but I don't know if anyone can hear me
Y/n:"HELP! I'M LOST HERE PLEASE HELP ME!" I screed trying to get anyone's attention but I gave up

Soon enough, I heard foot steps and was hella terrified but then I read that person's mind...

I have been searching for y/n for what seemed like hours now and the weather got colder but I don't mind because I already have a jacket on.

I started worrying, what if y/n got eaten by a bear or is dead or lost and we'll never find her, but I will have to find her, even Hannah has hope in me that I will find her.

Time went by and gave up, I decided to go back, but I don't know the way back. I started to worry again but even started to panic, I then remembered that y/n can read minds, I don't think she does but it is worth using it as an advantage as I have non.
Ok, let's see if it works:

Tom: y/n, please if you can read my mind, please say anything or do anything or give me any kind of clue to know that you are alive, please

I started to give up at the end of my thoug-
Tom:"y/n? Oh my god y/n!" I said whispering to myself
Tom:"y/n, don't worry I will find you"
I said as I remove branches from my way, I'm exhausted and my legs are numb

I kept walking towards the voice and thinking about how y/n really did read my mind, how the hell is that even possible? Am I tripping? I have no clue

I kept walking until I saw a flickering figure that looked like fire, I went closer and saw her, I saw y/n

She turned he face towards me and saw her face, it glowed as the fire is the only source of light other that the stars along with the moon, a sight of relief escaped through, I was relieved that I found y/n

I turned my head around and saw him, tom, standing there with a blanket that he held on his arms, his tensed face is now relaxed when he saw me. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly not wanting to let go as if I was going to get lost again if we let go, I felt protected in his arms that I started sobbing into his chest.
Y/n:"I thought you will never find me Thomas" is the only thing I managed to get out of my crying, he looked at me as I never used his name as I always used his Nickname.

Tom: it's ok, love, I'm here, it's ok

I blushed a little at the nickname, I've heard Harrison call Hannah with that name and I thought it was cute, but it's so much cuter hearing ot from him where I technically didn't hear it from him, he thought about it, but anyways.
Tom:"you made this" he said pointing at the little fort I made with branches and stems that I found on the ground which I called "shelter"
Y/n:"yes... Yes I did"
Tom:"Wow" he said under his breath
Tom:"ok let's go to see the others" he said as we pulled apart
Y/n:"ok, let's go!" I said excitedly, as Tom was looking around him trying to find something I'm not fond of what was it.
Y/n:"do you know the way?"
Tom:"Yeah, of course!"

Tom: I have no idea where we are at the moment.. it's o dark here I can't find the path!

Y/n"ok so let's sleep now and on sunrise we can go to our tents, because you don't know the path as it so dark here and the only source of light is that fire"
Y/n:".... And the moon... And... the .. stars"
Tom looked at me and I was trying to know how he felt it his face showed no emotion at all, as if he was trying to block the emotion from being shown on his face
Tom:"how did you know that I couldn't find the path" be said keeping the same poker face on
Y/n:"I... Amm... I guessed, because I can't see anything here either, so.."I got cut off by Tom putting a smile on his face
Tom:"okay! Let's sleep now and on sunrise we will go to the others as there will be more light so we can see where we're going"
Y/n:" we can also use your blanket" I said as I was heading to the fort backwards and pointing at the blanket he was holding at the same time (does that even make sense lol?)

The time was close to 2 am, or that's what I thought, while we were laying in the fort that was supposed to be for one person but we find a way to fit two bodies in there. And with that, we slept

I made sure y/n slept first before thinking about what happened, about how she knew that I couldn't find the path but decided to sleep too because I was so tired looking around for her

We have been sleeping until I heard a scream, it was y/n!

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