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Y/n woke me up as she was screaming
Tom:"what's going on y/n?" I asked in an alarming voice as she pointed to her ankle
There was a small but a very infective bite
Y/n:".. a.. a snake.. bit me.." she said in between sobs
Y/n:"I'm going... To die poisoned by... Snake.. venom" she said again in between sobs and my heart just shattered into pieces, then I remembered the walkie talkies

I was sleeping when I heard a some kind of robotic voice, it sounded alot like tom but didn't really bother as I thought I was dreaming, but then it sounded more realistic. I woke up and looked around me to find my walkie talkies on channel 7 that we were all at
Tom:"can anyone hear me?"
Tom:"I found y/n and she's dieing and I need help"
Tom:"I repeat... Y/N IS DIEING AND I NEED HELP!"
Harry:"I can hear you loud and clear tom, it's harry talking, what do you need me to do"
Tom:"pack up and get the van ready, we need to get y/n to the nearest hospital, she got bitten by a snake"
As he said these words my eyes widen and did what he said.
as everyone was gathered, I started talking
Harry:"tom found y/n" I heard some sighs and a 'yes' from Sam, they were all happy
Harry:"but she got bitten by a snake and we need to pack up as when tom gets her we go to the nearest hospital immediately" their smiles fade aways in less than a second, not happy anymore huh? Good for you.

We packed up everything fast and as we started the van's engine we saw tom carrying y/n bridal style, I was going to giggle at the look but due to the situation we are in now, it's not really a respectful thing to do, but giggled quietly anyways and made sure that no one heard me.

I saw some blood dripping from my ankle as we were inside the van, tom made me lay down across the long-2-person seat and made my ankle rest on his lap, I ordered for Tom to get a cloth and press on the wound to stop bleeding and he did so

After some time I felt dizzy and saw black dots forming in front of me

Tom: no y/n- don- go, pleas-

Why where his thoughts cutting?
Tom:"y/n, y/n don't go to sleep, please, just stay awake for a little while longer now, please" he said almost whispering, with watery eyes and stroking my cheek
Tom:"y/n, y/n y/l/n stay with me, don't leave me y/n... I.. I love you y/n, please don't go to sleep, please" he said while looking straight to my shutting eyes and told him something I never thought I would say it to anyone, I didn't tell him I loved him, don't worry
Y/n:"can you keep a secret?"
Tom:"depends" he said smiling at the point that I'm not dead yet
Tom:"ofcourse I can" he said with tears almost escaping his eyes, and it did
Y/n:"I can read... Thoughts..I can.. read.. minds,.... I mixed some wrong science chemicals and it radiated some kind of rays, no one was in the lab, thank fully, but I got all the rays sucked into my body and- ahh"I wince at the pain in my ankle
Tom:"sorry, I'm so sorry"
Y/n:"it's ok, I'm fine. I got the whole thing inside my body but now it's glitchin-..."

Y/n:"... Glitchin-..." She then closed her eyes
Tom:"y/n, y/n no don't go, y/n, y/n... Y/n please" I said as tears escaped my eyes... Again
Tom:"guys, how much time to the nearest hospital?" I said in a calm voice, trying not to scare them by telling them that she is now asleep and maybe dead
Sam:"approximately 15 minutes" I thanked God and I could've sworn that I heard harry saying "surprisingly" under his breath
Sam:"why tho?" Ok nevermind, I'm telling them that y/n is asleep/dead
Tom:"oh it's nothing, just that.. amm.. y/n just fell asleep and I think she's dieing and we need to hurry up" I said in the most calm voice ever, and after a minute -after they all revised what I just said- I was surprised that Hannah was even awake too.
Tom:"I tried Hannah, nothing is working, I was trying to talk to her to keep her awake but she fell asleep anyways"
Hannah:"no no no NO NO" she said as haz hugged her tight stroking her hair and telling her that everything is fine

We arrived at the hospital and y/n was given to the doctors right away

Y/n was given to the doctors and after an hour or so, the doctors came back with a straight face, god, how much I hate them, like show any emotions to give us a heads up, but no, I looked deep Into his eyes and there was confusion running through his eyes
Did I mention that I hate doctors?
He came up to us and started talking
Doctor:"does she have any family?"
Harry:"she doesn-"
Hannah:"I'm her sister"
Tom:"and I'm... Her boyfriend..?"

Harry: ok you guys should stop cutting me of, first the airport and now here?
Like c'mon??

Unspoken Feelings | Tom Holland X Reader |Where stories live. Discover now