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It's now been two weeks since the camp accident and y/n has been acting.... Strange lately. Whenever we hang out at a cafe or a restaurant or a diner whatsoever, she never comes, only Hannah does, she always comes up with excuses like: she's sick or she's not feeling like going out today or she's sleeping. It's to the point where we stopped asking her about y/n and just went on with the day.
But when we were hanging out at their apartment or mine's, we get to see her, but she always looked terrible, which makes me very sad, she has eyebags under her eyes and black circles around her eyes, they were puffy and red, she either was crying or it was lack of sleeping... Or maybe both

I know she lived (almost) her whole life with these powers, which makes her feel terrible now, but now she's a normal person, and rather prettier than normal girls are.

Today, haz and I decided to take Hannah and y/n on a double date, we didn't ask them yet, but Hannah will say yes, obviously, but I don't know about y/n. Not gonna lie, I'm really nervous about this, but here goes nothing.

The girls don't know that we're taking them on a double date, they don't even know that we're coming over, we're taking them to brunch.

We walked over to their door and I was hesitant to knock when Harrison put his hands on my shoulder
Haz:"it's ok, she'll accept it"
Tom:"I really hope she does"
Then I knocked on the door.
The door opened to a scared, worried and red eyed Hannah
Haz:"what happened?" He said as he hugged her while she sobbed on his chest
Hannah:" y/n-... Yesterday.... Y/n left grocery shopping...... And.... didn't come back" she said through sobs

Those words hit me like a knife through the chest and it hurts, alot

Tom:" I'll go and find her" I said as I stormed out of the building to the car

Haz:"let me come with you"
Tom:"No, stay here with Hannah, I'll get y/n."
Hannah:"tom, please find her..." She said as she was leaning on the car

Tom: alive. Don't worry, I found her back then, and I'll find her now.

Hannah nodded with a smile. I knew she can read my mind so I gave her a reassuring smile and drove off.

I tried to do the first thing a normal person would do, and that is to check her location, hoping that she left it on and, thankfully, she did. It looked like she was in some kind of a highschool, a rather old one.

I decided to have a tour inside the school and search for y/n. I opened alot of doors that led to different classes when I heard a noise of glass being shattered. I ran to the noise and opened alot of doors when I found y/n placing chemicals in the country top.

Tom:"Y/n what are you doing?" I said heading to stand beside her
Y/n:"I'm getting them back" she said not moving her eyes from the chemicals.
She's getting her powers back?
She's going to hurt herself!
With out even thinking, I pushed her away from the counter top and cornered her to a wall
Tom:"I don't want you to hurt yourself, y/n"I said as I was blocking her from going away
Y/n:" I'm not.... Gonna get... Hurt" she said as she was trying to get out of my grasp.
I pushed her to the wall, making sure I don't hurt her back, but at the same time keeping my hands on her shoulder so that she doesn't move.
Tom:"y/n, I can't risk losing you again"
Y/n:"and why is that?" She said with teary eyes
Tom:" because... Because I really like you, y/n" I said while removing my hands from her shoulder
Y/n:"i-.... If you really do, then leave me to do it" she said while she was heading towards the counter top
Tom:"y/n, if you're gonna do it then I will stay here with you" I said as she finished mixing the chemicals and put the cup on the counter waiting for the radiations to come
Y/n:"No, tom. You will stay outside and I will come to you. I don't want you to get hurt. I did it before, so, I will not get hurt, I promise" she said as she was shoving me outside the lab
She closed the door and locked it.
Tom:" y/n.. y/n open the door this is not funny" I said as I was knocking on the door.
Correction: Banging on the door
Tom:"Y/N IF YOU DIDN'T OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW I WILL BREAK THE DOOR OPEN!" I wasn't wrong, if she didn't open it then I will break the door open.
I didn't want to wait so I starting knocking the door over, it was a strong door and it took time to break it open but I broke it and once I came in... I saw y/n laying on the ground, eyes closed.. and.... And rays everywhere. They were in the shape of arrows and I was looking around when I suddenly saw arrows coming towards me.


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