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We all woke up and had Sam cook us eggs by using an electric stove, we ate our breakfast and was thinking what to do for today. We decided to go inside the forest and explore a little bit

12:00 pm
Hannah:" GUYS LETS GO, WE DONT HAVE MICH TIME, WE DONT WANT TO COME BACK HERE BY NIGHT TIME" she yelled so that everyone can hear her
Harry:"ok, ok, we're here"
Tom:"Is everyone here?" He said looking at everyone, and by everyone I mean only looking at me
Tom:"ok guys, listen carefully, whatever we do, we should not leave each other's side, did everyone understand?" Everyone nodded including me
Haz:"Dude, don't be dramatic, we're going in a forest, it's not like we're 47 meters down the ocean and sharks are going to eat us if we're not together" Harrison said and we all tried to keep our laughs but misrebly failed
Tom:"ok great" he replied after laughing, totally ignoring Haz's joke
(If that makes sense)

We went in with torches and walkie talkies (don't ask from were they got these, cz I have no idea😂) and started exploring right after we got ready physically and mentally.

We have been walking for some time, it was now 3:00 pm, taking pics with Harry's camera for Instagram and looking at different kinds of plants
While sneaking glances between tom and I
Sam:"Guys, we should go deeper into the forest" he said with a smile on his face
We all stopped to listen to him
Haz:"No thing, we came to this point in 3 hours, if we go back now, then it might be 6 pm and it will be sunset"
Harry:"then we should go back now!"

Sam: ok....ay
Hannah: Makes sense...

Y/n:"I personally agree with Haz's theory so we should go" I said pointing to the way back
Tom:"ok let's go"

We walked by the path we came from, it was now 5:00 pm and we're still not there yet - to the tents - and... we shared eye contact during walking.

Tom: what was that?
He thought, looking around him

Y/n:"what is it Tom?" I said almost whispering to him
Tom:"I guess I heard something"
My heart is pounding as hell, from fear

Y/n: I can't die here! Or now!!

Y/n:"Ok guys its getting a little more dangerous so can we please speed up?" I said in an alarming voice to everyone
Harry:"why y/n? You scared?" He laughed as he high-fived Sam
Haz:"y/n, there is nothing to be afraid of, everything is absolutely fi-" he said as his eyes widen
Tom:"nOTHiNg iS FiNe wE ShOuLd gO bAcK NOW!!" He said cutting off Harrison as Sam and harry looked behind them and screamed and ran away as well as haz and tom.
I was curious to look behind me but decided to not to as Hannah looked behind her and regretted it.

We have been running for an hour or so, or should I say 'I' have been running for an hour or so, as I was running, I didn't find anyone around, I decided to look behind my back and saw that the living thing that was chasing us -me- was not anymore, I was alone in the woods. I decided to collect branches and stems to do fire and shelter as I had a spare lighter in case something like this happens

Hour after hour passes, and still no one found me, the fire was lit although I was cold. I lost hope that someone would find me and decided that when the sun rises I will go and find them.

We were all running until we reached to our tents and saw that the bear wasn't following us anymore. We sat down around the fire as the twins had their heads rested in their hands revising what just happened, haz comforting Hannah as she was shaking, she looked at me in the eyes and her eyes sparkled when she asked about y/n
Hannah:"where's y/n?"
Harry:" no no nO NO!"
Sam:"she might just be lost in the woods or-"
Tom:"... Or searching for us"
Sam:"what are we going to do?"
Tom:"I'll go and find her" I said, as a blanket caught my eye, maybe y/n was cold, and walked to the woods
Hannah:"tom!" She said as I turned around to look at her, she was standing right in front of me, what was wondering in my head is, how did she get from beside Harrison to here in less than a second?
Hannah:"find her, please... Alive, she's all I have left and I'm all she has left" she said almost whispering
Tom:"you're not ALL she has left, where do I take place?" I said giving her an 'its ok' smile, I said these words so that she can trust me in finding her, but the question is.
Can y/n?

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