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The apartment door sounded while I was getting ready for my "date" with Tom. You see... When someone tells you that walls have ears, that means that the walls are thin enough for you to hear what is going on outside, so I heard tom and Hannah's "convo".
Hannah:"omg! It's Tom Holland taking my best friend on a date! Wooow." She said sounded bored
Tom:" ha ha. Funny" he joked
I was wearing a comfy outfit (swipe)

 (With out the bag tho)and let my tall straight hair lay loosely on my back

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(With out the bag tho)
and let my tall straight hair lay loosely on my back. I got out of my room to see Tom wearing jeans with a green sweatshirt and a jean jacket on top of it.
Tom:"you look..."
Tom: cute
I can see a slight shade of pink on his cheeks.
Y/n:"thanks, you don't look so bad yourself" I said then he looked at me. We locked our eyes and it was like he was gazing into my soul -it's not like I mind. His chocolaty eyes that you can just melt while looking at them. His-
Hannah:"will you stop with that? It's annoying"
Y/n: says the one in a relationship.
Hannah gave me a look and turned to look at Tom giggling.
Hannah:"tom, do something will you? Because I'm supposed to be her best friend and it's not really good for a best friend to kill another best friend"
Tom:"well, I'm taking her on a date so that won't help either."
Y/n:"so it's a "date", huh?" I said smirking while I reached out to my phone and the apartment keys and shoved my phone into my pocket.
Hannah:"yeah yeah whatever, let's go" she said  while snatching the keys from me.
Tom:"where are you going?"
Hannah:"relax, lover boy, I'm not going with you on that date, I would love to crash it but it will be hella awkward so, no," she said as we were going down the stairs to go to Tom's car.
Hannah:"imma go for a coffee run then go to haz's" she said as we stopped in front of Tom's car.
Tom:"... Kay... Bye!"
She turned to Tom and told him goodbye then she turned to me.
Hannah:"use protection"
Y/n:" Hannah.... You got the keys, how- and why?" I was annoyed, embarrassed and fraustrated but most of all... I was blushing.. like really hard. Then she gave me the keys and asked
Hannah:"sorry I didn't hear you, what did you say again?" She said acting stupid.
Y/n:"I said use protection when you're at Haz's" I said smirking
She walked away after muttering a "shut up" loud enough for both of us to hear. When I turned around to face Tom, I see he already opened the car door for me to get in.
Tom:"I would love if you drove but I'm not risking my baby again"
Y/n:"baby, huh?" I said, getting into the car and closed the door.
Tom:"someone's jealous" he said while he got inside the car, closed the door and smirked at me.
Y/n:"am not!"
Tom:"you are"
Y/n:"from a car? Sure, whatever floats your boat"I said but I can't ignore the feeling inside me. Excitement. I guess that's it, I guess that's the feeling.

We've been -well tom has been- driving for five minutes and I guess this is when I ask-
Y/n:"where are we going anyway?"
Tom:"somewhere" he said shrugging
Y/n:"surprise?" I asked while he nodded 'yes'
Y/n:"clichè much-"
Tom:"-aren't we?" I looked at him.
Tom:"ok we're going to the arcade"
Tom:"now THAT'S why we're going"

We arrived at the arcade and immediately started playing almost every game we see in front of us. We laughed alot and we actually had fun! Well, I had fun... I don't know about him.
Tom:"I had fun too"he said while flashing his million dollar smile that made everyone go "omg I'm dead".
We were currently holding hands while walking through a 90s themed looking diner. It almost looked like the one from the movie Kingsmen: the golden circle, you know, Peggy's diner? Exactly. Which made me kinda nervous but someone decided to Interrupt my thoughts with a pitfull of laughter.
Tom:"not gonna lie... It does actually look like Peggy's diner" he said while looking around at the diner.

We now sat at a booth and ate something until tom grabbed my hand, after paying of course, and told me he wanted to show me something.

We went to Tom's car, drove around. It was now night time. I was looking outside the window thinking about the date, I was genuinely happy. I've never laughed that hard in my life. I suddenly saw that we were now on a bridge. I got out of the car then tom took my hand, and made me look at the beautiful view. The night sky, the city lights beneath us, it's like we own the world.
~Suddenly, I felt his arms being placed onto my waist, until my back was pressed onto his chest and his breath fanning on my neck.
Tom:"y/n." He said with his soft voice, I turned around facing him, the moon light through his eyes made him look ten times sexier and cuter than he already is - don't ask me how. But then he looked down.
Tom:"I... I really..." He took a deap breath and shook his head and I guess I know what's coming.
Tom:"y/n I... I love you" and with out thinking I pulled him into a kiss. It was...Undescribable, that's how
amazing it was.We pulled apart for air
Tom:"y/n... Will you be my girlfriend?"
Y/n:"Yes!" I said as I hugged him.
This will be fun.

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