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YOUR POV (finally):
I woke up to find myself... Wait a minute... Where am I?
I look around me to see Tom laying on the ground beside me, just then, I remembered...


A loud thump keeps on going until the door opened and tom came in...

I can't remember anything after that so I guess I blacked out?
Oh no! Tom's blacked out too! Did he...?!!
Y/n:"OH MY GOD! TOM!!" I kept on shacking him and nudging his shoulder.
No response.
I should get him to the hospital. I mean... His body wasn't expecting these kind of chemicals to enter his body and is also new to such reactions so he might be blacked out for sometime. Tho.... I still have to get him to the hospital. But what will I say to the doctors when they ask about such chemicals into his body? Should I bring him over to my apartment? YES! my apartment it is!!

~Despite dragging tom into his car, which wasn't easy as he was so heavy!, I found his keys and started the ignition.
Wait... Where am I again?
I took out Tom's phone, Because my phone was dead, and started driving according to the route that the GPS provided, it was a 2 hour drive from my old high school to my apartment. I started driving in hope that I don't get caught because I'm driving with out a drivers license.

~30 minutes are left. I need to jump on my bed and relax the whole day while watching Netflix, I never knew driving was that hard. I sure had past experience because tom and Harrison used to always teach me how to drive on Tom's car, but I never purchased my own car, I never even thought that the day will come where I drive long distances in minutes, let alone hours.

My thoughts where cut by.... Other noises. I turned my head to see Tom waking up, GREAT! I never even had to bring him to the apartment and take care of him! He woke up alone! Then I remembered that he is probably mad at me because:
a) I'm driving HIS car with out HIS permission, but we had to get out of that abandoned dumpster park that was once called by a school so you can't blame me!
b) .... He got powers now, that he didn't need, and I'm pretty sure he got the biggest headache now, which adds up to why he has a.... weird look on his face. Its a mix between disgusted and a frowning face. I honestly don't know.
I stopped the car at the side of the road and looked at him.
Y/n:"Good...." I looked at the time, 4:57 pm.
Y/n:"... afternoon?" Not gonna lie I was scared that he will kill me, but let's be real, he would've done that 2 years ago but due to his career that he doesn't want to lose and the fact that he doesn't want to spend his next 40 years in jail whatsoever because he killed a useless person, he won't. So the other "way of getting revenge" that he gets to choose is ignore me till death which I don't think he will succeed, because I'm his make-up artist after all so he will have to talk to me sooner than later. And I can't believe I'm thinking about such things while he's giving me death stares and a look of.... Worry? I'm sorry but I don't seem to read emotions, I only read minds so don't come at me.
Tom:"Y/N!!" ok did he go deaf? He must be realising that he said my name out loud too so he tried again.
Tom:"Y/n! Are you ok? Are you feeling dizzy? Am I the only one who has a headache? It's not that bad tho but I'm feeling this big rush of energy in me and I didn't even eat or drink anything since I went to get you and by the way... WHY are you driving with out license? Did you get license and I didn't know? Did you get caught? And how did you even know the way to your apartme-"
Tom:"apartment? And why are you using my phone? Did your phone die? How long have you been driving?-"
Y/n:" TOM.."
Tom:"... Sorry, yes?"
Y/n:" are YOU ok?"
Tom:"yeah I'm fine despite a little headache, but other than that, I'm totally fine, I just feel a little more energetic that the normal, and as I told you I haven't eaten or drunk anything since I last saw you which was at that school."
Y/n:" yeah I can see you are a little -too- energetic, but that's not the point, the point is that I need you to drive now to my apartment because I've been driving for the last hour and a half without license and thankfully, no, I didn't get cought but I'm not risking it while you are already awak-"
Tom:"did it work?"
Y/n:"did what work?"
Tom:"that mind reading thing, did it work?"
Y/n:".... I don't know..."
Tom:"ok I will think about something to test your abilities and then you think about something to see if I even got the powers or not"
Y/n:"ok yeah let's do this"

Tom: ummm... Uhhh.. hi?

As Tom thought about this I burst out laughter and he had a fake annoyed face
Tom:" Heyy!! I didn't know what to think about, you can't blame me!"
Y/n:" ok... Ok... It works.... Your turn" I said between laughter.
I thought about: I think we should switch now because driving for an hour and a half with out even preparing is the hardest shit ever so if you find some scratches on your car don't be mad.
Right after I thought about it, tom ran out and checked his car and came to my window, I guess it worked.
Tom:"everything is clear" he gave me a thumbs up.
Tom:"get out now, we need to get to your apartment, Hannah must be on her way to opening her 4th box of tissues" he said as I laughed again and got out of the car to sit shotgun beside tom.

~After we have arrived to the apartment and after hearing Hannah blabber about how she was going to call the cops and whatever, tom told me that he will take me out on Sunday, which was the day after tomorrow, to somewhere special which requires wearing something comfy. I guess this was his way of asking me out on a date? Oh I wish.

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