Chapter 2

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Alex, for some mysterious reason, is back at the park. He's not entirely sure why, although he is aware that some small part of him wants to see John again. Again, he's not sure why. I just want to find out why he seemed so sad. And how he knew so much without having known me beforehand. He didn't seem that much older than me. So why...? He shakes his head. Freckles is mysterious. No doubt about it. I'm just going to have to find him and ask him myself.
He sits down at the same bench, hoping to see John again. It's probably a long shot, but he looked extremely at home here. So maybe he'll come back? And the only reason I want to see him is because I'm curious. That's the only reason. He gets out his journal and starts writing. 'I'm at Freckles's bench. Hopefully, he comes back...'
A couple hours later, his back aches, his stomach growls, and his wrist is about to give out. He's written about everything, from the breeze to the trees to the turtles that are admittedly kind of cute. But John never showed up.
"I guess he just didn't have time to come to the park today...?" Alex sighs and closes his journal. I do have to admit that being here is extremely calming, though. I'll come back tomorrow. For research purposes, of course. And maybe I'll run into Freckles.

~~ Time Skip (provided by the turtles) ~~

It's been two weeks. And I've gone every single days. I haven't seen Freckles once. Sighs. At least the visits to the park have been doing me some good. He's vaguely noticed when looking in the mirror that his complexion has gained color and that the bags under his eyes have gotten smaller, not to mention that the tension in his shoulders has been slowly dissipating. I don't even want to know about his background anymore or how he knows. I just want to thank him for the effect his advice has had on my life.
He walks into The Rev, notebook in hand and ready for his morning coffee. He walks over to the register because he's the only one in line. I must have missed the morning rush. He looks at his watch. Shit, I'm late for work! He looks back up. "Can I have a coffee, please? No cream, no sugar."
"Of course." John smiles back at him.
Holy shit, it's "Freckles!"
"Yes, I have a lot of them. What size coffee do you want?" He answers, not having recognized Alexander yet.
"Medium. But no. I met you two weeks ago, in the park! You were drawing turtles, and I was upset that my boss forced me to come outside! And by the time you left, I realized that I had forgotten to ask for your number so we could maybe talk again." Alex exclaims, begging the Coffee Gods that he would remember.
"Got it. Laf, medium black coffee, no cream or sugar!" John yells back. And then he turned back around and really looked at Alex. "Oh, Alexander, was it? So you've been looking for me?" John raises an eyebrow.
Okay, that makes it sound creepy. Maybe it is. I'm not sure. "Sort of? I've been going to the park every day. And I wanted to thank you. Your advice, or insight, or whatever the proper word is, well, it worked." Alex sighed.
A dude with curly hair up in a bun that vaguely resembled Alex's co-worker, Thomas, walks out of the back. "One medium coffee, no cream, no sugar. Hey, is that the crazy law dude from the park a couple of weeks back?"
John takes the coffee. "Yes, it is. And his name is Alexander. Alexander, meet Lafayette. His full name is long enough that we just call him Lafayette for short, and Laf for even shorter." John hands the coffee to Alex. "That'll be three dollars and fifty-nine cents, please."
Alex takes the coffee and fishes a five-dollar bill out of his pocket. "Here. Keep the change. Nice to meet you, Lafayette."
"Nice to meet you as well, Alexandre." Lafayette nods. French accent. Huh.
"But Freckles- I mean, John, I really did want to thank you. And possibly get your number? Not in a flirty way or anything- just so I don't have to wait around the park and hope you show up to draw some turtles again.." Alex chuckles awkwardly. Why is English suddenly a maze of traps and pitfalls?
John laughs. "Sure, Alexander. Freckles, huh?" He writes down his number on a napkin and hands it to Alex.
He takes the napkin and folds it and places it into his pocket. "Yeah. You don't mind, do you? Because if so, I can definitely just call you John. It's fine."
John tilts his head as if considering it for a second, before shaking his head and smiling at Alex. Cute smile. "Nah, I don't mind. As long as I can call you Alex? If that's alright with you, of course."
"Sure." Alex nods before realizing what time it is. "Shit! Washington's gonna kill me!" He rushes out the door. "Bye! Thanks for the coffee!"
John waves after him. "Bye, Alex." John's still smiling, chuckling under his breath at him.
By the time Alex gets to work, he is incredibly late. George is waiting in his office as he rushes in, making sure not to spill his coffee all over the place. He sets it down and flops into his chair, panting.
"You alright, son?" George asks, only slightly amused.
"Y-yeah." Alex nods, still catching his breath.
"What kept you? You sleep in?"
Alex shakes his head before smiling a bit. "No. It was Freckles."
George shakes his head and returns to his office, muttering under his breath, "You and freckles lately, I swear to God.."
Alex just smiles and takes the napkin out of his pocket. He enters the number into his phone and for the contact name, he puts 'Freckles'.

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