Chapter 5

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-John's Perspective-

   John sighs as he walks back to his apartment. Why do I have to close off like that? He didn't mean any harm. He shakes his head. No, I'm allowed to feel that way. I wasn't ready to share and I didn't have to.
   Fidgeting absentmindedly with his hoodie strings, John finishes the trek back to his apartment and heads inside. He settles on the chair and takes a deep breath. I'm home. I'm safe. And no-one can reach me here unless I let them.
   He grabs his sketchbook from where he left it, opens to a fresh page, picks up a pencil, and starts drawing. He lets every feeling of sadness, of jealousy, of loneliness, of hope, of joy go into his drawing and watches them come to life. And he lets his feelings fade away in favor of the drawing.
   After finally setting down his pencil, he feels better. He smiles sadly at the portrait of him and his mother and his younger siblings. I miss you guys so much... But Laurens said I couldn't see y'all anymore... He frowns a bit and sets it aside and curls up in the chair for a bit.
   John sighs. Come on. Get some cocoa. And then go work on some commissions. Begrudgingly, he pushes himself off of the chair and heads over to the coffee machine that he only uses to make cocoa. John grabs his Rapunzel mug, puts some cocoa mix in it, and puts it under the machine to catch the water. After the machine dispenses the water, he grabs a spoon from the nearest drawer and mixes it up. He smiles softly. Hot cocoa. The second best thing in the world.
   He takes the mug to the kitchen island, sets it down, and grabs his drawing tablet, one that took him months of saving up to get. "Time to look at the commissions." He scrolls through Tumblr and starts marking ones down.

~~ Time Skip (Brought to you by Alex's journal) ~~

  John yawns and stretches before his hand brushes on his mug. Shit. I must have falling asleep while drawing. He lifts up his head, and looks around, vaguely registering that the sun has risen and that he used his tablet as a pillow. Wonderful. He backs away from the island, stands up, and yawns again.
   "What time is it?" He looks at the clock on his wall. "Ten thirty?  Okay..." John yawns for a third time and tidies up the island as best he can before putting his mug in the sink and looking at his bullet journal for a better idea of the day. "Mmkay. Shift at two that goes until ten tonight. Fun. Gives me time to shower and work on another drawing and maybe take a short nap." John nods, closes his planner, and goes to his bedroom for a change of clothes. "T-shirt, jeans, underwear..."
   John's phone lights up. PING!
   AlexanderDAMNilton: Hey, Freckles.
   John isn't sure whether to smile or frown.
   Turtleboi: Hey.
   AlexanderDAMNilton: Sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have asked. You good?
   John pauses. Be honest? Or....
   Turtleboi: I've been better.
   He'll leave it at that.
   AlexanderDAMNilton: Fair enough. See you around?
   Turtleboi: Yeah. Cya.
   John turns off his phone and gets ready for the day.

~~ Time Skip (brought to you by frying pans) ~~

   John steps into The Rev, already in uniform and ready to go. Lafayette smiles at him.
   "So, how was your date with Alexandre?" Laf tries - and fails - to wink. John rolls his eyes, not in the mood.
   "Laf, it was a date. It was a meeting between friends, and that's it." John gets behind the counter and mentally prepares to meet a horde of people. "I promise you."
   "Mm." Lafayette tilts his head before sighing. "Of course, mon ami. I just want to see you happy." Laf returns to the back of the coffee shop, ready to start taking orders.
   John sighs, before facing the door and waiting for customers who want some midday coffee and coming face-to-face with Alex. He blinks before putting on his fake smile, one he's so used to wearing that he hardly even notices it anymore. "Hey, Alexander. Medium black coffee, no cream, no sugar?"
   Alex nods but is quiet, and John recalls what he and Laf were discussing when Alex just suddenly... appeared. Oh, shit. He overheard. "Laf! Medium black, no cream or sugar!"
   "You got it." Lafayette nods.
   John turns back to face Alex. "You're being kinda quiet."
   "Yeah. Just thinking. I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have pushed." Alex apologizes, rubbing his arm. "My curiosity gets the best of me sometimes."
   John smiles softly at it. "It's fine." Not really, but I don't want him to worry about me. He looks like he feels bad enough about it.
   Alex relaxes a bit, but he's still quiet. "I'm glad."
   Lafayette hands John the coffee, and he hands it to Alex. He smiles at the short man, doing his best to nonverbally reassure him that he's okay.
   Alex smiles back, although there's something akin to pity in his eyes. "Thanks, Freckles." He hands him a five-dollar bill and their fingers brush for the briefest moment. "Keep the change." And Alex leaves, not nearly as rushed as the last time John watched him go.
   Lafayette looks at John with an eyebrow raised. "Okay, mon ami, what happened?"
   John bites his lip and teases it a bit before sighing. "He asked about my father. I don't think he meant any harm by it, and then when he tried to change the subject, he mentioned my hair. I- just- he's intelligent as fuck because he works under George Washington, so I know he's picking up on stuff, and it's scaring me."
   "Mmm. Mon ami, from what I saw, he's concerned about you. I don't think he's going to try and hurt you, Jackie. But if he does, I'll kick his ass all the way to France and have my family beat him up for you." Laf promises.
   John laughs softly. "Thanks, Momfayette."
   Laf grins. "You're welcome, Jackie."

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