Chapter 15

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-Alex's Perspective-

   Alex walks home, his thoughts racing in so many directions at once it's not even funny. Hoodie- Almost kiss- Freckles likes me- No- Maybe?- Hhhhh. He holds his clothes, journal, and phone close to him, trying to sort through the different trains of thought and failing. I need to write.
   Once he finally walks inside of his apartment, he flops into his chair and sighs loudly. And places the stuff on the ground and starts scribbling furiously in his journal. 'I cannot understand what happened this morning. I- did Freckles almost kiss me? It felt like he did! But he wants to stay friends? And his hoodie is amazing. I kind of want to just keep it. But that's a boyfriend thing, so I have to give it back. Eventually. But back to the almost kiss. What was that?!? He lifted up my chin and stared me right in the eyes and told me I needed to be taken care of as well, and our faces were literally inches apart, and I couldn't breathe for a second? What was that?'
   He puts his pen down, staring at the pages and trying to comprehend everything. And then he picks up his pen again. 'He came to get me in the middle of the storm, no questions asked. The only other person who I can imagine even possibly doing that is Washington. I- He came out of nowhere and just knew exactly what to do to help me somehow. He told me he has anxiety, so I guess that makes sense- someone else would have helped him in the past. But he came out there, for me, without any hesitation. That's incomprehensible. He is my best friend, but I-' He shakes his head and sits back. He helped me. And he almost kissed me. At least I think he almost kissed me. I hope he almost kissed me. But then, why didn't he? Probably because he only wants to be friends. Yeah. The friend zone sucks. But at least I still get to be near him. And his lovely freckles.
   Alex lets out a scream. "What am I doing? If he almost kissed me, he obviously has some sort of feelings for me, so I could potentially ask him out or something? But he's also the one who told me we're just friends! Hhhhhh." He sighs. "Okay, okay, okay. If nothing else, I can ask Washington for advice. And maybe Angelica. She seems like she'd know how to do this sort of thing. I mean, she is dating Thomas. And her sisters are friends with John. So maybe...? Actually, the best person to ask would be Lafayette. But he thinks I turned down John and made him cry, which isn't the best way to go about this. Maria, though..." Alex taps his fingers on his notebook, thinking, before he opens it and starts writing out a plan. I'll figure this out somehow....

~~ Time Skip (brought to you by Just friends. Just friends!) ~~

   Alex walks into work after he is sure everyone has left, mainly because he wants to talk to Washington without everyone asking about Freckles. He heads immediately for Washington's desk. "Sir."
   "Alex?" George looks up. "I thought you had called in sick due to the storm?"
   "I did. But now I have something more urgent." Alex takes a deep breath. "I need help."
   George sits silently for a second, processing the fact that Alex actually asked for help. Alex waits, tapping his foot on the floor impatiently, and then George nods. "What do you need, son?"
   "So, Freckles is this guy I met at the park, and he has this extremely cute smile, and he's the reason I've been going outside, and he's just really great, but he friend zoned me, and then this morning he almost kissed me, and I'm not sure what's going on." I'm rambling like Freckles now. Lovely.
   George makes a hmm noise and places his hand on his chin. "So you think the friend zone may be more of a safety net for him and his worries, but you're not sure if he has actual feelings for you or not?"
   "Well, I know he didn't have feelings for me as of last week. At least, not when he played Truth or Dare with his friends. That was the night before I came in covered in coffee. At least, he didn't think he had feelings at that point. He was sure he wanted to be friends. So like, Thursday? Yeah. Thursday." Alex rambles.
   "Then what would have changed in five days?" George asks, slightly skeptical.
   "Umm, his friends attacked me Friday, flower crowns on Saturday, and the storm last night? We've bonded a lot since then. At least, I would think so. I think we have..? Hhhh."
   George blinks. "That's a strange list."
   "Yes, but it makes sense in context. Trust me."
   "Never said I didn't. So what are you hoping to accomplish with this information that you've sort of gathered?"
   "Umm, verify it? And if he actually does have feelings for me, hold his hand and permanently steal the hoodie I'm wearing," - Yes, he is still wearing John's hoodie- "and maybe actually kiss him? If he's okay with that? Also, I'm definitely getting him a turtle. He deserves a turtle."
   "So how can you figure out if he has feelings for you or not?"
   "Ask him. But that's awkward, and if I'm wrong or he's still in denial, that won't work well, so can't ask him. Maybe ask Lafayette? Wait. No. Lafayette still hates me. Oh! Can ask scary red lady! Thanks!" Alex yeets himself out of George's office in search of Maria.
    George just shakes his head. "That boy is non-stop."

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