zombie au. that's it that's the tweet

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edit: since Wattpad's being a total bitch right now and cutting off half my text AGAIN, here's the ao3 version in case u guys have a similar problem: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23026192/chapters/56044651

actually based off an original (as original as it gets) concept I had for an oc I had ages ago :)

this oneshot's kinda tame tho tbh blame this godforsaken quarantine getting to me

warning for some (horrible) graphic violence, and amane being a total dumbass. what did u expect, it's a zombie au


Oh, great. The universe really picked a good time to decide that raising the dead was an awesome idea, and that making them infect people around the whole world would be really cool.

No. It was never a good idea.

So here's our lovely protagonist, Yashiro Nene, stuck in an abandoned warehouse waiting for a wave of the walking dead going past by outside. She was all alone on this one, unfortunately. Hadn't had the time to get any change of her own clothes, getting low on food and other things.

Zombie apocalypses sucked.

Now, it had been four months since it began.

She heard about some kind of safe place free of those human-munching monsters, and she had decided to gather up her courage and trek there on her own. Her friends might have also gotten there, she hoped. Going on a long journey would be all worth it in the end.

The last of the zombies had finally left, and she breathed out a sigh. Waiting them out in hiding was a pain, since they tend to be slow walkers and it took ages for them to get to one point to another.

She gathered up the backpack sitting next to her, and checked the window for any other sign of the zombies. Coast was clear, but it was only for now.

She can get out and start moving again.

Then came a knock on the metal walls of the warehouse.

Oh no! Another one?!

Nene silently inched her way to the door of the warehouse. She clutched on the knob tightly, and jumped when the knocking sound came again, repeatedly.

What if it was a zombie? She wasn't risking getting bitten by them. She had too many things on this world to do!

The knocking became louder. Then it stopped, to her surprise. Did they get tired and leave? She hoped it was true.

That was, when someone had literally come crashing through the door, breaking it from it's hinges. She screamed when a body had went right through with the door in a loud "thud".

Stillness followed. Nene gulped, taking a step forward to the body on the floor. Upon closer inspection, it was... a boy?

He looked no older than herself; wearing a slightly old blue jacket stained with dried blood and tattered pants. He had short, choppy black hair, pale skin, and his hands and neck were covered in bandages. He laid still on top of the broken door, eyes shut.

Is he dead? Well, that would make sense. He's a zombie! He might get up before I least expect it and eat me!

Nene began to make her escape out of the place, but the loud groaning on the floor made her stop. She cursed her own luck when the boy's hand began to twitch ominously, followed by his arm slowly lifting up.

She tried to move away, but due to all that fear now creeping off, she was now stuck in her spot. She was frozen.

Panic circled around her mind as the boy was now staggering back up, and his eyes began to open. She only stared with horror when he cracked his neck in a loud snap, and turned to her.

misadventures of a ghost and a daikon [jshk/tbhk]Where stories live. Discover now