they're all cats now ok

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A sunny day, the chirping of birds in the air. The sakura tree by the big house from across the street was the main attraction overall, the petals from it's branches allowing the wind to take it to it's course.

From the rooftop of the house, a black cat snoozed contentedly under the warmth of the sun, tail swishing back and forth. Ah, such was the life of a cat indeed.

"Hanyako!! I'm home!"

The cat opened one golden eye, yawning to himself and stretching his furry body. His owner must have had returned earlier from work today, meaning early dinnertime.

Hanyako returned back down to the ground, coming to his owner. He meowed, rubbing his head against his owner's pant leg as he was given a pat in return.

"There you are, Hanyako. Listen, this might come to be a surprise to you, but..." His owner picked up a large box that had been sitting beside him for a while. Hanyako tilted his head at it. Whatever could be inside?

A soft, weak meow came from the box, and the cat couldn't help but put up two paws on the edge and peek over, trying to see what was on the other side.

On a small, pink blanket, a cream colored cat laid on her side. She had a strange color, as the tips of her ears and tail were green in comparison to the rest of her fur. A white ribbon was tied around her neck, but regardless of that, she had a couple of bandages wrapped around her body.

"She's hurt, Hanyako." His owner spoke, putting a hand in the box and gently stroking the hurt she-cat's head. "I know you're not really a fan of being with other cats—but she needs our help."

Hanyako studied the other cat intently. While it was true, he wasn't too fond of other cats around, something seemed strange with this one. Somehow he knew he wouldn't mind her presence around that much at all.

To reassure his owner, he meowed, rubbing his head against his hand. His owner chuckled at this, patting him back.

"I'm glad you understand, Hanyako. Now that's all settled, how about we give her a name..."


Two red orbs blinked open, ever so slowly. Then followed a yawn. She had been sleeping for almost how long now, thanks to the warmth of something right beside her.

Wait. Something beside her?

The last time she checked, she was all alone under an abandoned school building, having been injured after an unsuccessful attempt at getting food from a nearby market.

And instead of the cold, hard, concrete, there was something soft and pink under her paws.

"You're awake?"

A voice from her side startled her, and quickly she jumped away, fur standing on edge and claws retracted.

A smug looking tomcat only stared at her, amusement in his eyes. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"...Huh?" She found her voice, but she didn't really fully trust the cat in front of her. Who knows if he was one of those perverted male cats who would chase girls they like to—

"You need to settle back down, or your wounds will get worse." The brush of his fur made her jump when he had somehow come much closer than he was before.

As if on cue, the stinging pain of her wounds made her grimace and lay back on the blanket. She still felt unsure about the cat, however.

"Where... where am I?" She asked.

"Oh? You're in my home. My master found you from his way back from his work, so now you're here. He's the one who worked on your wounds, but you have to make sure you don't move too much or they won't heal."

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