jealousy fic with a pinch of angst

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just a short thing, I'm impatient as hell lol

pretend the latest jshk chapters didn't ever exist to make sense of this ok

oh yeah and a stupid doodle by me

I would also like to thank my yt subs for inspiring me in the creation of this oneshot. I owe you my life


Hanako didn't like it.

Not one bit.

He didn't like how his beloved assistant laughed at some sort of lame joke the young exorcist cracked, and how that smile of hers was not directed at him.

Honestly, he had never been this bothered about Nene literally just interacting with any other boy other than him.

Okay, so that incident with Akane had made him get a few loose screws himself. It somehow made him kind of cautious towards anyone who would take even one step close to Nene.

Some say it would be he was overreacting and just being paranoid.

He would just brush it off, let them say whatever.

All he knew was, he didn't like it at all when other boys would glance her way.

"And so, Teru-nii tried to catch the stray cat, but it jumped into the window and he slipped on the floor and crashed hard. He had that weird bump on his forehead the entire day after." Kou finished his story, as Nene giggled.

"That's really embarrassing for him. I hope he's alright!"

"He is! Although he's kind of having a grudge on that cat now."

Hanako floated over in between them, purposely squeezing his way through. "Whatcha talking about?"

"Eh—Hanako-kun, it's very rude to do that, you know!" Nene pouted at the apparition.

"Aww, don't be like that Yashiro! I just wanted to join your conversation." He wrapped his arms around her form and internally snickered when Kou looked at him distastefully.

"Hanako, stop being such a perv! Let go of Senpai!"

"Make me." Hanako stuck his tongue out and continued to snuggle his face against Nene's hair, quite enjoying Kou's reaction.

"Why you..." Kou's eye twitched, and Nene frantically waved her hands.

"I-It's alright, Kou-kun! I'll talk to him."

Hanako secretly smirked to himself. He was rather pleased that Nene never objected to his closeness, so he could hold her whenever he wanted.

Only him. No one else.

"Well... alright. But don't hesitate to tell me if he's treating you bad, okay, Senpai?" Kou fished out his phone from his pocket and checked it. "Ah, nii-chan's calling me. I'll see you later, Senpai!"

Nene nodded. "Take care, Kou-kun!" As the boy left, she crossed her arms and huffed at the ghost currently still hugging her.

"Okay, Hanako-kun, what's the big idea? You're acting weird again."

"Nothing." He replied cooly. Nene sighed tiredly at his attitude.

"You know you can tell me if something's bothering you."

He went silent at that. His hold around her tightened a little, and he pressed his face on her shoulder.

Then a series of muffled talking.

"Eh? I'm sorry?" Nene tilted her head a bit, confused.

"I..." He lifted his face up from her shoulder, avoiding her gaze as somehow, a faint trace of red appeared on his cheeks. "I got jealous, okay."

She couldn't even speak right now. Hanako took her silence as her means of disapproval of his actions, and he prepared to leave her be, but her hands reached out to his own and kept him still.

"Honestly, you can be so silly, Hanako-kun." Nene smiled at him, and it left him wondering, how can anyone in the world be this sweet and precious? Those bullies were missing out on the best thing, all cuz they thought her radish legs were weird.

It was a bit selfish of him, but right now, all he wanted was to glorify the fact that this adorable girl before him was his own. His own to protect, and to cherish, and to love.

To love, even after her own end.

"Mine..." He mumbled softly, more to himself, in the middle of his daze. Unfortunately for him, Nene had heard it, and she went into a stuttering spree.

"W-w-what?! Hanako-kun?!"

But he didn't even hear her. He just sighed contentedly to himself, resuming his self-indulgent cuddling with his beloved assistant.

"Yashiro's all mine..."

Nene could literally feel her heart pound rapidly and the blush on her face increasing at his bold words. But all she could do now, was sigh, and lean back to his embrace.

Maybe she could ask him about that on a later date. Didn't seem like he was interested in talking any further now.

Such a strange boy.

misadventures of a ghost and a daikon [jshk/tbhk]Where stories live. Discover now