Chapter 8: Black Rain

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Sawyer decided to head back with Bellamy, they brought Roan and Peta to the team at the island and then Bellamy and Sawyer headed back with Cole

"Are you sure we shouldn't have stayed with Pea?" Cole asks nervously as Sawyer pulled into Arkadia 

"Cole we're needed here, we had no other choice" 

"We could have stayed with her!" 

Sawyer ignored her brothers complaints and climb out of the rover. She walked over to Kane who smiled to her 

"Welcome back" the girl gave a light smile as Kane pulled her in for a hug. Bellamy came up behind putting his hand on her lower back. Thunder erupted making them all look up at the dark clouds

The wind picked up and Sawyer felt a rain drop fall on her neck. She winced in pain at the burning sensation on her skin. Her eyes widened "Black rain" she cried out as the rain drops started coming down

"It's black rain! Get inside this is not a drill!" Sawyer screamed. Kane and Bellamy took off screaming and pushing people to get inside. Sawyer turned and opened the rover door for Cole to jump out 

"Cole get inside!" Sawyer screamed 

Sawyer grabbed his hand and ran forward. She stopped and pushed people past her 

"Get inside! Go! Come on let's go!" the girl screamed as people ran passed her. "Take this!" Cole yelled throwing her his jacket, Sawyer threw it over her head as she pushed people in the door 

"Go in Cole!" 

Cole didn't move he helped his sister direct everyone in. Sawyer threw the coat over his head to protect him 

She screamed in pain at the burning rain, everyone had got in. Bellamy dragged the girl inside. "Take off your clothes!" Bellamy yelled at a crying Sawyer 

Sawyer rushed to throw off her jacket. She grabbed a squirt bottle near her and drenched her hands in the clean rain water as she hissed in pain

"Kane" Bellamy says in shock making Kane and Sawyer look up. "Someone's outside" he yelled 

Sawyer didn't even have time to stop Bellamy before him and Kane took off outside. Sawyer stood at the vault door watching them pick up a man from the ground

They ran back and the man was screaming in pain making Sawyer wince. Sawyer rushed pulling off Bellamy's jacket, the rain that fell off his clothes burned her skin but she didn't care 

"I need to find Octavia" Bellamy cried spraying his head with the water. Sawyer's eyes widened as she realized the missing Blake 

Kane came up "She took off hours ago, she's not here"

Bellamy turned to the door only to be pulled back by Sawyer

"Bellamy, look. We don't know where she went. You just got back, and the rover doesn't have enough power to go searching through the woods" Kane said shaking his head 

"The rain will kill her!" Bellamy cries 

"She's smart. You gotta trust that she found shelter, okay?" Sawyer yelled holding his face. She tried to talk him down but the rain made her skin crawl

Bellamy nodded and began ripping off his clothes. Sawyer reached for the vault door and screamed as the rain touched her body. She pushed through and pulled the door closed before ripping off her shirt 

"Remember the drill? All wet clothing in the designated zone" Kane yelled. Everyone's screams filled the vault, Sawyer walked over to a rain can and splashed herself with the water in hopes to ease her pain 

Sawyer turned to see Cole groaning "Cole!" she cried running over to her brother. "Come on, take your shirt off" the girl yelled lifting it over his head 

Sawyer helped him drench himself in water 

"Holy shit your pregnant" Cole said looking down at the girls stomach that grew huge 

"Shut up Cole" Sawyer groaned rolling her eyes as she rubbed her body with the water 

"Everyone quiet!" Bellamy yelled. Sawyer ran over confused coming behind a shirtless Bellamy. If the situation wasn't scary the girl would be attracted to his drenched self

"What happened?" Sawyer asked confused to Bellamy and Kane who were looking down at a radio 


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