Chapter 17: Sandstorms

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Sawyer dipped the cloth in the water bucket. She lifted Atlas' shirt wiping the cloth against the dried blood on his skin. Thankfully the blast didn't damage anything only tore through skin

Atlas coughed lightly before opening his eyes. He stared at Sawyer in confusion before the stare turned cold. "Stop" he said shaking his head trying to push her hands off of him

"Atlas I need to clean the blood off-"

"No you don't get off of me. I told you last night I didn't want you help!"

Sawyer rolled her eyes at his stubborn behavior. "Atlas it's going to get infecte-"

"I don't want you here!" Atlas screamed loudly. Sawyer gulped, everyone around looked at the 2 nosily. "Atlas come on" she whispered hoping to calm him down

"I dont even want you near me" Atlas whispered in disgust

"Hey hey, I got it from here" Chris said rushing up to the 2. He gently took the rag from Sawyer's hand. Atlas allowed Chris to clean his stomach making her scoff

She rolled her eyes and stormed off, Bellamy had been looking at her so she walked over to him

"What happened?" he asked confused. "I don't know but i'm really missing the ark right about now"

Bellamy nodded, they move over to a corner to talk without getting in anyones way

"I miss the kids" Sawyer confessed "I'm afraid to even bring them out here with Octavia starting a war" "Cut her some slack, something happened down their in the bunker that has all these people traumatized"

Their conversation was interupted by the sight of Miller and another man. Both armed trying to leave

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Where are you going?" Bellamy questioned jumping in front to stop them. Sawyer staying close next to him

"Wish I could tell you, Bellamy" Miller said emotionlessly

"Octavia told you not to?" Sawyer asked, Clarke walked up standing next to her. "They're going to Shallow Valley"

Sawyer's brows furrowed in confusion as Clarke stared storming off Miller rushing behind to stop her. Bellamy and Sawyer rushed to follow " Clarke. Clarke!" Miller grabbed Clarke's arm throwing her around to stop her "You can't just do whatever the hell you want here"

"I'm guessing you're moving ahead of the army, to scout forward terrain. Which route are you taking? It's sandstorm season. The wind moves in a perdictable path. I've made the trip dozens of times. Trust me. You need my help"

Clarke turned around storming away with them following behind. Clarke threw upen the door bursting into the meeting room where Indra, Octavia, Kara and another man stood

"Why? What are you thinking?"

"My question exactly" Clarke said answering Indra's question that initially was directed at Octavia

"Miller your orders were to-" Miller cut off Kara's lecture "I know my orders. I think we should listen to what Clarke has to say" Octavia held in a scoff

"You can't take the sea route" Clarke denied shaking her head "Why? You said the sea is gone. Is it passable or not?" Indra questioned

"Yes, maybe. But you have to understand-" Octavia cut Clarke off pushing her way out the door "Maybe's good enough for me. Let's move out" Bellamy stepped in the way holding Octavia back "O" he said. 4 guns lifted up at the same time at Bellamy's head but Sawyer waisted no time pulling out 2 guns from her holster aiming them at Kara and the man closest to Bell

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