Chapter 13: 6 years and 7 days

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Sawyer groaned as she flipped Echo over her shoulder she reached for the bow and pulled it back

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Sawyer groaned as she flipped Echo over her shoulder she reached for the bow and pulled it back

"Pow. Dead in the eye" Sawyer said pretending to shoot the arrow at Echo's defenseless body. She ignored the physical chills that flooded through her body just from touching the ex grounder

"Your getting too good with that thing" Echo said shaking her head as she sat up "Jealousy is a disease" Sawyer insulted with a serious face

Echo rolled her eyes at the blonde's constant hostility and turned to Peta "your turn"

Peta screamed "Yah!" and lifted her leg knocking Echo back to the ground. The 2 wome-n broke out into a sparing match

"Mommy can you check my math?"

Sawyer turned around seeing Noah on the dinner table finishing up school. "Yes my love" Sawyer said smiling, she jogged over to the table and peered over her 6 year old's shoulder

"I had a little trouble with this one" Noah confesses pointing to #7 "It's right, good job ai strik heda" Sawyer said tickling her son as she kissed his cheeks

Sawyer bent down to eye level and Noah broke out into giggles "bilaik briyon(You're smart)" Sawyer said admiring her son. He looked like a picture perfect copy of Bellamy

His effortless curls that never failed to lay perfectly on his head. His freckles and soft brown eyes that got lighter depending on his mood

Everyone had been spread out around the main room doing their own thing. Bellamy stood watching the ground from the large window

Peta's groan took Sawyer out of her trans as she looked up to see Echo holding the 17 year old in a choke hold. Peta flipped the girl over body grunting "Ha! Eat our smoke! " Sawyer cheered

Peta ran over and high fived Sawyer both of them cheering in victory

"Soups on!" Monty announced

"Noah clean your books off the table please" Sawyer said ruffling his curls. Noah nodded and jumped up

"I'm excited to eat" Raven said jumping up from the floor mat where she was taking a break after sparring with Cole

"This isn't eating this is surviving" Harper corrected walking out of the kitchen with bowls and spoons

"Hey! the new and improved triple-G tastes better and you know it" Monty gloated as Cole and Harper set up the bowls

"Harper where's Claudia?" Sawyer said confused at the girls missing presence that should have been following Harper out of the kitchen. Harper shrugged "She left the kitchen 10 minutes ago said she needed to do school"

Sawyer groaned "and you believed her!" she scoffed limping off into the hallway to find her missing daughter

"Daddy! Daddy come look at my math" Noah yelled happily as he ran over to his father who was stepping away from the window. "Let me see big guy" Bellamy said lifting the 6 year old

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