Chapter 15: Sleeping Giants

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For just a second things felt normal again, felt good

Sawyer laid in Bellamy's arms something they hadn't done in a while. Sawyer hated that there were moments where she felt like nothing was wrong, moments where she was reminded how effortlessly in love she was with Bellamy

She allowed him to kiss her all over her but her mind had drifted to another place

"What's going on in your mind?" Bellamy questioned kissing the girl's forehead. Sawyer smiled "nothing" she lied

"Well then, get up we need to pack" her entire face fell at Bellamy's words. The idea of exposing her children to the world on the ground and to her past was horrifying. Motherhood had changed the blonde and she wasn't ready to reopen the wounds she has just begun to close

While Bellamy got off the bed Sawyer rolled over to watch her perfect children who laid on the ground sleeping. Both were playing one second and out the next giving their tired parents a break. She smiled as their chests slowly rose in sync, they looked peaceful

The idea of them facing the trauma she faced on the ground caught her breath. After years of night terrors and sleepless nights spent watching her children sleep she didn't want to uproot them from their home

"Bell, is this even a good idea? Maybe we shouldn't go" Sawyer mumbled but Bellamy stopped folding Claudia's shirt turning to look at his fearful wife on the bed. Sawyer fiddled with her ring, some would barely even call the hand crafted metal band a ring but Sawyer loved it anyway

She turned to see him staring at her "I just have gotten so wrapped up in our little bubble in space I don't want to go back. Back to earth where we are constantly running. I've never known peace like I did here"

"What about O, and your dad?"

"I miss them of course I do-" as Sawyer spoke she slowly got up from the bed slipping her arms around Bellamy's waist "it's just I don't know if I want to live like we did again, the kids are happy here and I am afraid once we step on the ground we won't be able to protect them like we can in space"

Bellamy listened as Sawyer spoke, if you didn't know the couple behind closed doors you'd see a man effortlessly in love with a woman. You wouldn't know that the same man effortlessly in love had an affair with the woman down the hall

You wouldn't know that the affair lasted 2 months and twice a week while Bellamy slipped into her room Sawyer sat outside the door bawling her eyes out before standing up and rushing away. In the morning she would pretend she didn't notice her husbands disappearance


"Boys and girls meet Eligius four" Raven narrated as the group sat buckled in their seats. Getting everyone off the ark into the drop ship was another level of chaotic. With running children and arguing adults it was definetly not easy

Claudia and Noah both were strapped onto their parents being there weren't enough seats for the new editions

"Powering a better tomorrow" Emori recited reading the outside of the foreign ship

"Must be a mining ship"

"Mining in space?" Harper questioned doubtfully

"I've heard stories" Monty shrugged, "Missions sent to mine asteroids or search for habitable planets, but that was a hundred years ago" Monty explained

"They got back somehow, means they must have fuel" Cole spoke loudly through his helmet as him and Peta held hands.

"It looks like one of the engines were destroyed" Raven comments as prepared to dock the ship onto the Eligius. "At least the HAP is still rotating. The rotation means they'll have gravity. Sorry lovebirds no zero-g space sex"

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