Chapter 14: Life on the Ring

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(11 months after Praimfaya)

"Sawyer! Sawyer! Bellamy!"

Sawyer jumped up from the bed at the sound of Murphy's screams. Murphy was babysitting the twins in order to give Sawyer a 5 minute break from dealing with the needy babies

"What! What is it?" Sawyer screamed rushing into the living room. "She's walking!" Murphy screamed

Sawyer gasped as she saw 8 month old Claudia Reign walking towards Murphy who sat Noah on his lap. Sawyer had been struggling to get the twins to walk and here she was effortlessly doing it with Murphy

"No way" Sawyer said in shock as she saw her daughter giggling and clapping her hands. Sawyer ran out the room screaming "Everyone! Come quick! Claudia's walking" Everyone came sprinting into the room watching as Murphy held his arms out for the 8 month old

Claudia trembled as she slowly walked over to Murphy "No way" Bellamy said lifting Noah into his arms

Claudia fell into Murphy and everyone erupted in cheers. Murphy kissed the girl all over her face in happiness

Both babies didn't know what was going on but they yelled and cheered as well making everyone laugh

"Claudia! You little bug" Sawyer said happily lifting the girl up from Murphy's arms

"You walk with uncle Murphy but not with Mama?" Sawyer said in a high voice as she tickled the baby. "She just likes me more" Murphy gloats

Murphy didn't lie, Claudia had always been drawn to Murphy for some reason, the 2 had a bond that no one understood but Sawyer prayed it wasn't a bond sparked by Claudia's future in rebellion

"Come on Noah your turn" Peta joked as her and Cole held each side of the boy. Noah stood frozen giggling making everyone awe at the curly haired baby

Tears welled up in Sawyer's eyes as she held Claudia in her chest and stared at Noah who everyone gawked over

"They're growing up so fast" Bellamy whispered walking over to Sawyer. Sawyer nodded and Bellamy pulled his girls in hugging them. Despite the baby in his arms Bellamy wrapped Sawyer into a kiss making her melt

And once again Sawyer was reminded of how much she loved Bellamy Blake


(A year and 3 months after Praimfaya)

Having twins was harder then fighting on the ground. Everyone had their own responsibility to keep the Ark running so Sawyer struggled to manage Claudia and Noah on her own most of the time

Sawyer was drained out of energy all the time. The twins were going through a phase where they didn't sleep at night and when she would get one down the other would just wake up

"Mommy" Noah whines crawling on Sawyer

"Mommy" the 1 year old cried

Sawyer shot up from her sleep, she didn't even mean to doze off while putting the kids down for a nap

"What's wrong bug?" Sawyer said pulling in the curly haired baby. Noah cuddled into her arms and Sawyer ran her hands through his hair

Sawyer looked over to see Claudia knocked out her blonde hair spread out on the pillow

Claudia and Noah looked like clones of Sawyer and Bellamy it was crazy. Claudia had Sawyer's clear blue eyes and silk blonde hair while Noah had Bellamy's freckles and effortless brunette curls

The door opened making Sawyer turn "Shh!" she aggressively whispered "Sorry" Cole apologized quietly closing the door

"If you wake up that girl your dealing with her cranky self" Sawyer threatened glaring at the 15 year old

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