Chapter 2 ~ Military Things

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  Theme Song: All We Do Is Win – Club Danger

~ Rosalie's POV ~

I wake up and look outside to see the red sunrise in the East . It is hard to see anything most mornings because of the smoke surrounding the camp I was stationed at. Only one thought was running through my mind: I am going home. Don't get me wrong, I love my post here at the war front, but I am thrilled at the thought of seeing the blue skies once again, even if I have to go back to wearing formal gowns.

The flaps to my tent fly open and Lieutenant Laris stands at attention

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The flaps to my tent fly open and Lieutenant Laris stands at attention. "Good morning General Calore. Are you ready for the morning report?" She was my favorite Lieutenant, not only because of her reports, but because she was young for her rank like I am, and that gives us something in common.

"General Laris, although I would normally be thrilled to hear what you have to say, I am travelling back to Archeon today to support my family. Queenstrial commences in less than a week and I will be gone for a month this time. I expect a daily report sent to the palace every day on anything that happens, including the weekly new recruits' names and reports from both every Captain and Colonel on training progress. I want to be kept in the loop around here and know everything that happens while I am gone. Do you understand Lieutenant?" I asked in the stern voice.

"Don't you think that is bit much Rosalie? Won't you want to spend time with you brothers while you are back?" Kiera asked with a concerned look on her face.

I smirked. "You know I love getting your daily reports Kiera. It will only take a little bit more time to read the other reports. Like I said, I don't want to be left out of the loop. I can't stand it when General Lerolan think he know more than I do." I roll my eyes at the name. That man thinks everything is a competition, and it doesn't help that I am almost 30 years younger than him and we hold the same rank.

Kiera giggles and shakes her head and then looks up. "You know," she says with a smirk, "someone mentioned that my daily reports were the, and I quote, best reports among any other that I have ever read or had the pleasure of hearing." I looked over at her and smirked as well. "General Lerolan heard about it and requested that I deliver him daily reports in your absence. He also told me to tell you that he would return me as soon as you return." She comments and my mood deflates like a balloon. Of course he would want her while I am gone, that is so like him. She giggles and I look over at her. "What do you want me to tell him?"

'You can tell him to shove it where the sun doesn't shine' I think. "Tell general Lerolan that I demand that the daily report and all of my other reports before he gets his. Although I might not be here physically, I want to be here mentally. If there is a single report that isn't sent to me, I will demand that you are pulled from his assignment to mine. Tell him that when you see him." I answered.

"Of course, General. Did you want the daily report for today?" She asked. I nodded. "There are 33 new red recruits coming in and they will all be assigned into training with Colonel Cahil Merin. His troops have been reassigned into 3 of Captain Myrina Haven's Squadrons: 7 in the Crimson, 15 in the Prime, and 11 in the Order. No other ranking officers have leave this week. This past week, 47 red deaths in the field and 72 in the choke. No deaths in training. Total of 1,854,895 lost to the war. No officers were killed, only 1 injured but was released on the same day. No additional comments or requests from any of the lieutenants or generals. Is there anything else you have questions on General Rosalie?" She asked. 

"Do you know when my ride back to Archeon is supposed to arrive?" I asked. She nodded.

"In about 15 minutes." She commented. I nodded. I will miss talking to her every day. She has been one of my only friends in the army. I am much closer to most of the Lieutenants than any of the Generals here.

"Thank you for your help Kiera. I really appreciate all that you do for me." I said.

"No problem Rosalie. I am glad you are taking a break. I am happy that you get to go home and spend some time with your family. You deserve it." She replied. I smiled. Yep, I am gonna miss her. I got up from my chair and walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"Don't get too attached to General Lerolan," I added.  "Because you are mine as soon as I get back. Also, please don't let those Barrow boys get into any trouble." Kiera's face grew serious.

"General, I regret to inform you that I saw Shade Barrow on the list of the deceased." My jaw dropped. He was one of the best soldiers I saw enter training, I was going to request him in my unite when I came back from my leave.

"Are you positive that it was Shade Barrow? Not any other soldier with a similar name?" I questioned. She shook her head and had a somber look on her face. I sighed and my head dropped. I don't normally concern myself with Red soldiers, but those boys were talented. He has two older brothers in the army that I have been keeping my eye on, I believe their names are Bree and Tramy. When I was doing my rounds, I ran into them and remembered their skill in hand-to-hand combat. I talked with them and got to know them more, it was mostly about military things. They were the only reds that I could stand to be around. The majority of them are pathetic. "Lieutenant, that name should have been in the report. Add the names of the dead to my reports at the palace." I said. She nodded once again, and I sighed. Although his life will be missed, our lives will go on without him.

"That reminds me. Who will be in charge of the death announcements while I am gone?" I asked.

"That would General Lerolan. He was assigned to take on the extra announcements and certificates. Another reason why he requested that I was assigned to him, to take credit for all of my work I assume." She commented. She definitely wasn't wrong because I know how he is. I laughed at bit and shook my head. Typical Lerolan.

I looked around my quarters and made sure that everything was packed. I went through the checklist I made in my head, and once I made sure I had everything I looked over to Kiera and nodded. She smiled and we both walked outside. Once we got to the airfield, there the Olympus was in all of her glory. I had made the design myself to carry me to and from the battlefield. It was created for a limited number of passengers but is one of the fastest and stealthiest ships around. I only took an hour to get back to the palace in Archeon or Summerton. I nodded to Kiera as I get on the aircraft. I go into the cockpit to see to men saluting me.

"General Rosalie, I am Sentinel Laris and this is Sentinel Skonos. We are here to take you back to Archeon."  Said the Sentinel. I shook my head and made my way to the back of the aircraft where the seats were and sat down. I closed my eyes knowing that when I wake up, I will be in Archeon with my family.

1,348 words

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