Chapter 4 - Training

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Chapter 4:

            After we had eaten dinner, I asked to be excused and went back to my room to change into my training clothes. As I change, I thought about all of my comrades fighting in the war and the different Generals and their greedy tactics, only to waste the lives of their soldiers for the glory that might come out of the fight. I shook my head in disappointment. I cannot wait to get my report tomorrow. Kiera knows me better then anyone there and I know she will give me a very detailed report. For now, I have to focus on training and gaining strength. When I am done, I look over myself and nod at myself in the mirror. It seems like a lifetime ago that I looked at myself. From what I remember last time, I had gained muscle in my arms and my stomach was full of muscle, not being the thinnest girl is not something I have ever cared about. As long as I was able to fight and not be out of breath I would not care.

            I started walking out of my room and saw two sentinels on each side of my door

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            I started walking out of my room and saw two sentinels on each side of my door. I internally groaned. Of course my father thought that I would need protection while I am here. I chose to ignore their presence and continued on my way to the training center with them in tow. Once we got to the doors, I stood there and waited for Sentinel Rhambos to open the door for me. Both him and Sentinel Gliacon turned at stood guard at the door.

(This is what I think part of it looks like)

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(This is what I think part of it looks like)

I walked in and looked over the room. I knew this room better then any other in the castle. I have spent many an hour in this room. I walked over to the punching bag and put on some gloves. I did some stretched before beating the bag for an hour. After I had started to work up a sweat, I walked over to the archery station and worked on moving targets, and when I was done with the bow, I moved on to my knife and pistol as well. When I looked outside the large, glass windows, she sighed and saw the black sky. I opened the door to walk out onto the courtyard and looked up at the stars. It was an amazing sight to behold. I didn't get to enjoy the night sky in the battlefield, it always had smoke covering them up from my sight. I took a deep breath and relaxed my tense muscles. I haven't been able to be this relaxed in a long. It was always stressful on the field because you always have to be at your best. There was always the worry of the Lakelanders attacking or thinking about battle strategies.      Although it was a tense situation, I loved it. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I turned around and walked back into the room and closed the door and got back to training.

     After 3 more hours I decided to be done and go back up to my room to relax; however, my brother had other plans in mind.

     "Don't tell me your done already Rose. I just got here." Cal said.

     I turned to get a good look at him. He has changed too since I saw him last. More somber look with a more profound face and muscles on his arms. I chuckled. "Well you can't blame me for wanting to be done after 5 hours of practice. What time is it anyway?"

   "It's around 11. I went to your room to look for you but you weren't there. I assumed that you were here and came to find your Sentinels at the door which gave it away." He replied. I walked toward the door, opened it, looked to the Sentinels, and said, "Thank you for standing guard, but since my brother is here, he will be able to escort me back to my room. Thank you." They bowed and walked down the hall and out of sight. I walked back to Cal and put my hands on my hips. He spoke, "So do you wanna talk about anything? Any juicy details you wanna tell me?" I laughed and shook my head. "Oh come on there had to be some drama among the silver generals."

     "Well there is some, but nothing too interesting. I got a new lieutenant since last time and her name is Kiera Laris and we get along quite well. She has been assigned to General Lerolan while I am away. I am receiving a daily report from her while I am here. She is my favorite Lieutenant by far and she is young for her rank so we have something in common." I told him.

     "Wasn't General Lerolan the one who led an attack in the choke and had to pull back because he lost almost half of his troops in less than an hour?" He asked and I nodded. I remember that day. I was observing some of the older recruits and Kiera ran in smiling like a fool. She explained what he did and I couldn't help but laugh. That was a good day, and I smiled at the memory. "Anything else new? Any love interests?" Cal pushed. I shook my head. The only person I have ever had a crush on was Ptolemus Samos. The only person who knew was his sister, Evangeline, and that was because she figured it out. "Come on Rose, there has to be a certain boy that has your attention." He went on. I sighed and he clapped his hands together.

     "There is one boy." I said.

    "I knew it! I KNEW it! Am I the first one you told?" He asked. I shook my head and his smile dropped. "Are you serious Rose? I thought we told each other everything. I'm hurt, no, I'm offended." He said and I rolled my eyes and smiled.

     "Evangeline guessed it. You're the first person I have TOLD Cal." I commented. He smiled and nodded his head.

     "Yes!" He whispered to himself and I rolled my eyes. He is a child sometimes. Although he acts like a child, I have to admit that I wouldn't change anything about him. He is one of the best brothers I could ever ask for. "Are you ready to get to bed? We have a big day tomorrow." I nodded.

     We cleaned up the room and started walking back to our wing of the palace.

     "Hey, I never got to thank for coming home for this. I know you have duties and other better things you could probably be doing, but it means a lot that you came back home for me." He said. I stopped and turned to look at him.

     "I will always be here for you Cal. This family means more to me than some war ever could. I will always come back for you. Always and forever." I said that and gave him a hug.

"Always and forever." He whispered in my ear. We held it for a couple of seconds and let go of each other. We talked about meaningless things until we got to my room. "Goodnight Cal. Thanks for finding me tonight."

      "Always Rose. Sweet dreams." Cal said. I nodded and closed my door. I changed into my robe and fell into a dreamless slumber.

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