Chapter 3 ~Home

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"General Calore we have arrived." A voice said waking me from my slumber. I opened my eyes and saw Sentinel Skonos and Sentinel Laris standing in front of me. I nodded sleepily. I stood up and grabbed one of my bags and directed the Sentinels to grab the others. When I walked out of the ship, my family stood out on the staircase waiting for me. Cal and Maven took off running down the stairs and attacked me with a bear hug on each side.

"Rose, I missed you." Cal said.

"Cal, you always miss me." I said with a big smile on my face.

"I missed you too Rose. How is the war front?" Maven asked. I smiled. Usually it was Cal who was curious about the battle. I shrugged. I missed them both. By this time both of my parents were down by the rest of us. I quickly turned back to look at the Sentinels.

"Please return my things to my chambers." I said. They nodded and walked into the palace. I turned around to look at my family. My father was the first one of my parents to give me a hug.

"How is my little lioness doing?" My father whispered into my ear. I nodded back into his embrace to let him know I was good. He squeezed a bit into the hug and pulled away, but not before he placed a kiss on my forehead.

My mother came up to me and looked me up and down. I know she is looking for any injuries, so I smirked. She looked at me and I shook my head. She quickly embraced me and whispered, "I am glad you are back my flower." I embraced her back and nodded. I miss seeing my family, but I love what I do.

"You have to tell us everything. How is the war going? Did you lead any attacks recently? Were they successful?" I was being bombarded with questions, and I rolled my eyes. I giggled and shook my head.

"The war is going well. We are preparing for another that will happen within the week. General Clark Provos is leading the attack this time, and unfortunately, I cannot talk about the details. The last fight I was in was the Attack of Strohm, and yes we did succeed in gaining control over some of the land, pushing the line back about 5 miles back." I said. They looked at me with proud smiles on their faces. We all walked back into the castle and I suddenly stopped as did my mother. The boys kept talking about war amongst other things and I turned to face my mother and nodded. She turned around and I followed her. She held onto my arm as we walked down the long hallway.

Once we entered my old quarters, my mom picked out a dress for me to wear so we could go announce the beginning of Queenstrial.

           After I had my dress on, some maids came in and did my makeup and hair as well as my mother's

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           After I had my dress on, some maids came in and did my makeup and hair as well as my mother's. We talked about how things were going here. Sounds like the same old stuff except Mother had a sour tone when I brought up Cal's training for his soon-to-be new role. I dismissed the maids and mother told me that I had nothing to worry about. I shrugged and believed that whatever it is not to be important right now. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I was the picture of poise and royalty just like my mother.

My mother walked down to meet up with my brothers and father. My father took my mothers arm while I had Cal on my right arm and Maven on the left. We walked to the podium they had set up for my father to talk.

"I would like to thank everyone for coming today. I am pleased to announce that my daughter, General Rosalie Calore, will be able to be here with us in this new transition in our lives." The King states. He goes on to thank some other houses for all their help and hard work. "now, the moment we have all been waiting for, I would like to invite my son, Tiberias Calore the seventh to the podium." He said. I released Cal's hand and clapped. Cal held his hands up and everyone grew quiet.

"Thank you, father. I am pleased to announce the beginning of Queenstrial." Cal said in a calm tone. The crowd erupted in cheers while I remained serene, but on the inside, I was all smiles. I had learned to perfect my emotionless face a long time ago when I was in military training. Before Cal came back to sit down, some of the reporters had questions for him about who he thought would win, etc. Cal's answers were calculated to not give away anything.

After everything was done, we all exited into the palace into the throne room. I turned to look at Cal and asked, "So who do you think will win Queenstrial really?" and smirked. Cal smiled and laughed a bit.

"Rosalie, you know better than to ask such a question. We are supposed to enter this without any judgment on any of the ladies who present." My mother scolded me.

"I know mother but come on. There has to be one fine young lady that you all know about. Is it anyone from House Lerolan? House Rhambos maybe? Oh or is it Evangeline Samos? I haven't seen her in a while." I went on. The boys were standing there laughing quietly while mother rolled her eyes and continued to frown.

"I believe house Samos has a very good advantage this year." My father said. My mother's eyes grew wide.

"Tiberias! You know better! What if one of the council members heard you say that?" My mother scorned. I giggled at the thought of my father being scared of my mother. I mean she can be terrifying, don't get me wrong, but the thought still made me smile.

"Oh come now Elara. You must agree. We all know House Samos has been itching to get their hands in our house. As soon as Cal was announced to the country, nobody heard from them for months." My father said. I frowned. I did not need that thought in my mind. I fake gagged and Maven did the same.

"Father, are you serious? You needed to add the last sentence?" Cal questioned. I nodded in agreement. That was not something that needed to be said. He laughed loudly and my mother rolled her eyes.

"I agree with father, though. I believe Evangeline has the advantage." Cal whispered in my ear. I giggled and smiled at Cal before giving him a hug.

"I missed you." I whispered in his ear.

"I missed you too Rose." He whispered back and squeezed me a little tighter. With all of the events that are going to take place this week, I was lucky to be able to spend time with the ones whom I would give up anything for.

1,190 words

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