Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning feeling fully refreshed, which was a new feeling for her. The sun was already up which was something new to her because I was used to waking up with the sun rising.  Hearing a knock on the door, I got up and put on a robe and opened the door to see a messenger. He held a dirty white envelope that was about to burst open due to how thick it was. I chuckled and closed the door. I peeled open the envelope and smells invaded my senses. The smokey aroma was there as well as the ashy residue left on the edges of the dull white papers. She pulled the papers out and smiled.

Take care of yourself and have a great day! – Your favorite Lieutenant

a small yellow note read. I smiled and pulled it off and stuck it on the corner of my desk. Looking around, my room felt like a foreign place, having spent so little time in it. I guess I better get it done and over with so that I can get on with my day. I flop on the bed, already hearing my mother scold me in my head for not behaving like a lady of the court should. As I scan the sheets, I try to focus, but it is not working. A knock startles me and I hear two voices arguing back and forth. I sigh, get up and pull the door open. The startled faces of my brothers stand before me, both looking ready for the day, while I am here in a robe. I roll my eyes and invite them in, shutting the door behind them.

            "What do you two losers want?" I question. I think I already know the answer, but I want them to admit how nosy they are.

            "You know what we are here for. You have it right there in your hands. You just need to read it out loud." Maven says. Cal just shakes his head in agreement. I smile and roll my eyes at their childish behavior. They are always like this when I come home. I am just surprised Dad is not here yet. It was tradition that we would all read the letter while I was home.

            "Can your at least let me get dressed? I got up 5 minutes ago, you could have at least waited until closer to breakfast." I commented.

            "Why don't you go shower while we wait here on your bed? You can leave that with us so you don't get it wet." Cal said. I shook my head and walked over to the closet with the boys trailing behind me. I was sifting through my dresses when Cal pulls out a dress and suggests that I wear this one. I sigh and think whatever. I walk out of my closet and go into the bathroom. I start the shower and do my morning routine. It only takes me about 20 minutes before I am pulling the door open to find my father sitting on a chair with my brothers laying on my bed that is not made. I smile and walk to the door. I open it to see an army of Sentinels and ask one to fetch me a servant to do my hair. One walks off and  I go back into the room.

            "You lot are the most impatient people in my entire life." I smile. They all laugh, and I pull out a chair next to my father's and sit down, minding my posture. A small knock is heard, "Enter." I say.

            "You called miss?" The servant said. I nodded and pointed her to the bathroom. I got up and followed her, leaving my father and brothers to talk amongst themselves. In ten minutes I walk back out looking like the Princess that I am. I dismissed my servant and made sure she closed the door behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 ⏰

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