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3rd person's POV

"What do you mean?" Yerin threw the question at Sinb whose brain could not process

"Answer me.What are you guys talking about?" Yerin uttered looking straight into sinb's eyes as if she's digging a hole in it with just a gaze.

SinB finally snapped out when Eunha coughed "Oh, uhm.. its uh.. well, we're talking about uhm.." Eunha couldn't find the right words to say.

"Tell me." Yerin cut off Eunha's sentence and turned her eyes on Sinb

"Its nothing! you should change your clothes now unnie. You must be really tired.You should sleep now.We'll take care of Sowon unnie." Sinb said fast in one breath.

"Are you sure?" Yerin asked trying to interogate Eunha.
"Yeah, sh-she uhm.. we are talking about sowon unnie and you-" Eunha wasn't finished with her sentence
"Yes unnie.Where did the both of you went by the way? We're really worried about sowon unnie." SinB said trying to fix the awkward situation.
But Yerin didn't answered them.She just smiled bitterly and locked herself inside the bathroom.
"What's wrong with her?" Eunha qiestioned Sinb
"I dunno.well atleast we survived.lol that was close." Sinb said then she sighed with relief.

"Let me bring this to sowon unnie now. You should take a rest .Its getting late."-Eunha said.

Sinb nodded as sign of affirmation but when Eunha left with the basin of water and cloth, she just sat at one corner of the kitchen resting her back at the refrigirator's door.Staring blankly at nothing.Trying to process everything that happened in one single day.

While Yerin on the other hand is still inside the bathroom trying her best to cry without making a noise.

I'm also tired.
I'm also drunk.
I'm also sleepy.
But why do they only care for sowon unnie?
Well, its actually not an issue for me if they're worried about her. But why does sinb care about sowon only. How about me? 
I carried her all the way home even if I'm having a headache. Im even struggling to balance while walking.isn't that obvious for them? I really hate myself.I'm so worthless..
I wore my pajamas and washed my face.Im not that sleepy anymore but im still tired.I guess no one is outside anymore. So I went out of the bathroom and walk to the kitchen so I can find something to eat inside the fridge.
But instead of finding food in the kitchen, guess what I found?
She is sleeping in front of the fridge.
What is she doing there? Without hesitation, I walked near her,looked down and sat at the floor,tried to wake her up.
"Eunbiii?~" I shaked her arm .But instead of waking her up, her head just swung to the right.She's really sleeping..
I know,I'll just carry her to her room.
I carried her trying my best to not wake her up. 
Then I lied her on her bed.She really looks like an angel when she's asleep.I wonder why I still care for her even if she is always hurting my feelings.
I really love her.
Its probably weird staring at someone who's sleeping but I just cant help it. 
I checked the time in the alarm clock at her desk. Its already 12:48.
I'm really sleepy... I'm too tired to walk back to my room, so I just closed the door and lie down beside sinb facing her.

"Eunbi-ah I really love you.Please stop hurting my feelings.Please break up your relationship with Jackson.Please learn to love me.Please be mine." I uttered facing her.Even if she's asleep and she couldn't hear me, I just want to tell her that. 
Then I kissed her nose and I was panicking because she suddenly moved and I thought she is awake but she only turned her back against me.
I finally turned off the lamp and slept
"Goodnight Sinb..."

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