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Yerin's POV
I opened my eyes and I blushed so hard I thought I'm gonna pass out again.
"No, its not like what you're thinking." Sinb pulled away and said defensively..
"I s-saw you were lying on the f-floor and you weren't breathing, s-sso I performed a CPR,please d-don't think that I did that on purpose to.. k-kiss you." She explained the last part shyly.If she did not do that on purpose, then why is she embarassed? 
"Oh, uh,, thanks I guess?" 
I just said casually and I got up like nothing happened because I remembered that she is the reason why I passed out and almost died.
"Hey, I dont think you should be walking already." SinB spoke.
"No,I'm fine now,I'll just cook dinner."I said without looking at her.
I can already walk, I'm not lying about it.
But she still sounds so worried.
If she'll continue to act like that, then how am I supposed to forget my feelings for her.
"Unnie, please rest first.
Jackson brought foods for us right? We could just--" she didn't finished what she's saying because I faced her angrily "Now, you're mentioning him again! Can I just live a single day without hearing you mention your f*ck*ng boyfriend's name ?! Its pissing me off!"
Sinb flinched, probably surprised of my sudden rage. I just can't stand to hear his name! 
"I'm sorry..." she is looking at the floor and I can see droplets of tears falling.
I know those are tears even if her head is bowed.I suddenly felt thousand of needles puncture my heart as I saw my Sinb's tears fall because of me.I didn't mean to hurt her,but if this is what it takes to forget my feelings for her, then I should probably drive her away from me.
But before I know it, I was already hugging her. Its as if my body has it's automatic response to give her a hug.I couldn't stop it..I love her so much that seeing her cry because of my dumb words kills me.
"No, please dont be sorry..It is my fault,I shouldn't have shouted at you." I cupped her cheeks to lift her face up and make her look at me. 
Sinb is still the most beautiful person I saw in my entire existence even if she is crying. "I'm sorry ok? Please stop crying." 
I said.
Instead of getting a response, I got a tight hug from her.
Yes, Hwang Eunbi the coldest girl on Earth who turned out to be soft hugged me..
I was freaking frozen at my spot because I never knew that I'll get this kind of hug from her.
Yeah, we hugged each other before,But the feeling of this hug is different.
I can feel her heart beat so surprisingly loud.
Maybe she can also hear my heart beat like it is a beast trying to get out from it's cage.
Her breath is like a cold breeze touching my neck as it sent shivers down my spine and all over my body.It feels weird, but I love this feeling..
I love to feel her body pressed against mine.
I love the cold breeze-like breath of her's touching my neck.
I love her warm cheeks resting on my shoulder.
I love the feeling of her arms wrapped around me.
I love Hwang Eunbi.
But I have to stop loving her. 

Thanks for vote nexttttttt namn hahhhah

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