Part 19

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Not all heros wore caps

Doctor are the real life heros. We see iron man, spider man and call them real heros who saved the world. But these are just fiction. In real world, doctors are the one who save our life. They study for years just to save us. Take this corona virus situation as example, everyone is locked in there houses but doctors are getting up everyday and going out only to treat others. They can be infected too and many have also, but rather than thinking about themselves or there family they are working of us. And here some people are going out carelessly. Isn't it a shame and disrespectful for them?

Two months has passed of Manik and Nandani togetherness in a blissful way. They both had come closer emotionally and physically but they still hadn't cross the line. They both wanted to make there first special. Manik's day start with cooking for Nandani and nandani's with throwing in washroom by Manik. But from few days, Nandani has been very busy due to this new virus. Her shift was increased. As due to lockdown, Manik stayed at home only but worried for her. He was proud of her but extremely worried too. He wanted her to be safe and tried every possible way to keep her heathy. Whenever Nandani come home, he immediately asked her to take bath with warm water. He made sure she eats heathy food only which will support her immunity system and no matter how much she crib for junk, he just became deaf to her pleads. Everytime he did things for her, made her heart flutter with joy.

Just like any other day, Manik was sitting in living room watching tv. He was actually waiting for Nandani who called him and said that she will be home in ten minutes. He heard the door knobs clicking and turn to it. Nandani entered the house with her lab coat hanging on her left arm along with her stethoscope. By her face, he could figure out that she is exhausted. And obviously she will. She has been working whole night and day with sleeping for a minute. He walked to her. Nandani looked at him and gave him a faint smile.

Na: I really want to hug you, but i can't ( pouted)

Ma:(chuckled) you can but first you have to take a bath.

Na: ( nodded) khane main kya h

Ma: biryani ( Nandani eyes glittered) but I have also made daal which you have to eat.

Na: Ughhhh ( making a bad face) I just hate you

Saying this Nandani went to washroom which was downstairs. Manik chuckled and move to there room to fetch some clothes for her. He went and stood near the door only. When he heard the water voice, he slowly open the door. Nandani was inside the shower cabinet. Without looking at her, he placed her clothes on the hanger and took her worn clothes after wearing gloves and put them in hot water after putting few drops of antiseptic in water. He move out not before throwing the gloves into dustbin.

Nandani came after few minutes and knowing Manik  had brought her clothes, she changed into them and walked out feeling fresh. She immediately ran to kitchen and hugged him tightly from back. Manik turned and took her in a passionate hug. They met almost after 24 hours. He pulled her off the ground while Nandani locked her legs around his waist. She broke the hug but didn't leave him.

Na: I missed you

Ma: ditto ( touching there forehead together)

Na: what did you do today?

Ma: umm..sleep..then talk to you..then eat and then again sleep.

Na: ( giggled) if you keep doing like this then one day you will surely became a hippo.

Ma: heyy..I work out too

Na; yeah..when?

Ma: ( sheepish smile) after dinner I'm going to

Nandani laughed and leave him. Manik put the biryani on a plate and they both move towards the sofa. They both settled beside each other and ate from one plate watching the movie. After eating, they both move to kitchen and washed the dishes and cleaned kitchen. As there was no servant, they had to do everything by there own.

Na: Manik let's sleep

Ma: yeah

Saying this they both move upstairs and lay on there bed. Nandani lay her completely body on manik and closed her eyes. Manik smiled and caressed her hairs making her sleep. Soon they both were in deep slumber.

Hello guys
How are you all???

How was the update???

Few words for Manik???

Few words for Nandani???

Your opinion on this new virus??

Hope you all are safe.

Thank you guys
Love you all

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