Part 23

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Manik and Nandani were still on sofa, watching movies. It's around 1 in night and they didn't even seem to move from that tv.


Nandani put on Harry Potter and excitedly watched it but Manik was least interested. To make himself busy, he was playing with her hairs or caressing her cheeks. Every time, manik used to do that Nandani also his hand away being annoyed by the ticklish sensation she felt.

Na: Manik Kya h ( annoyed) Can't you watch movie quietly

Ma: I don't wanna watch this movie ( bad face)

Na: but you like Harry Potter

Ma: that doesn't mean I always wanna watch this. ( frowned)

Na: what do you want to watch?

Ma: avengers ( excitedly)

Na: but I don't like that

Ma. Because you haven't watch it. Every time I watch it, you give a sarcastic comment and left

Na: what's in that movie ?? Just some freaking superheros fight.

Ma: how can you say that ? ( bad face) it's actually the most amazing movie and plus it's science function, just not just crap powers. For instance, Iron man, he was a genius and a billionaire. When he got kidnapped and asked to a weapon, he designed a metal suit to save him. After that he modified that suit and use it to protect the planet. Or you can take caption America, he give himself to a science experiment, just to protect his country. Isn't it amazing ?

Na; I can't win over you in this topic ( sighed)

Ma: please watch one movie with me. I promise if you didn't like it, we will continue watching Harry Potter

Na: okay..but just one movie

Manik grinned and played 'The Avengers'


But unexpectedly, Nandani like that movie and now she was curious to know what happen in next part. So they continued with age of ultron, then infinity war and then the endgame. Then Manik suggested another marvel movies and as Nandani was really loving this, she nodded and they watched caption America and now they are watching caption marvel with full concentration.

Na: this is amazing

Ma: I know ( grinning)

Na: I want to watch more but I'm sleepy now ( yawning)

Manik smiled looking at her. He switch off the tv and carry her to the bedroom. Carefully he placed her on bed and immediately she snuggled into the comforter. He too payed beside her, taking her in his arms and slept peacefully.

Just imagine a relationship, where you two are more like best friends than lovers. Where you have more playful moments than serious one. Where you can as weird as you want to be and your partner supports instead of stopping you. Where you became each other emotional support before reaching on physical needs. Where you can just stay at home and watch movie rather than going on a fancy dinner. Where you can complete be you and they will still live you for what you are. Wouldn't it be amazing !?

Manik and Nandani are fortunate to find each other in this selfish world. They are truly the couple everyone imagine to be. Manik cares for her, he keep her comfort first. Neither he force her to do anything she didn't want to and always encourage her to be as weird as she is. Even Nandani is no less. She always support him and never fail to express his importance in his life. She does everything to make him smile. She never force him to change for her, instead always praise him for what he is.

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