Entry 2, July 15 20-

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I am still alive. I am glad it is so, sleep eluded me for the longest time before I forcibly succumbed to exhaustion to get maybe a few hours of respite from this cruel reality I find myself in. Now I find myself perplexed on what I should do, do I dare wander from my only safe haven to see if this creature is still here? I dread going outside, but if I am to survive I must assess the damages and gather up what resources I may have. I am still grateful for this outage as it only seemed to affect the lights of the cabin. The heater still works, but for how much longer I do not know. I am not Mr. Greenwal, if he had been left alive rather than myself he would know what to do. Perhaps his room held some notes or instructions, or perhaps the interns may have had some guides to assist them in their work.

It was time now to move my barriers and step outside into the great unknown. I arm myself with my flashlight and continue into the empty and silent hallways of the home base. I fear what I may encounter, but if I creep around like a mouse then perhaps I shall scurry by this undead revenant in peace.

The events that have unfolded this day perplex me. But what about this situation hasn't given me cause to be bewildered or confused? This journal that I write in now is my only companion, the only place that I may dear speak so long as the creature resides within these walls. I shall relay to you dear keeper of my thoughts and woes what has transpired this day.

I had gone out into the empty dark halls, using the flashlight to guide my way through. First I entered Mr. Greenwal's room slowly and quietly, and to my great relief found it untouched. I made my way inside and swiftly closed the door. No sooner had I shut myself in did I hear a soft thud outside the halls. I felt the cold sensation of dread bare itself down upon my shoulders, and I heard the muffled shuffle of footsteps. I was quick to dive under the bed to conceal myself and extinguish the light I held in my hands. The shuffling ceased for a moment or two before it resumed and faded away now. I knew in my heart the dead man still wandered here, and I knew I was prey stuck in a cage with a predator. My death still seems inevitable by this thing's hands. I shudder to think of the treatment I shall receive upon him discovering me here. Shall I be torn limb from limb like my colleagues? Shall my bones be crushed? No, I should not think of such things, lest I paralyze myself with fear and submit to the siren's call of death.

After the shuffling had long ceased I crawled out from my hidden spot and went to inspect the room. There was a calendar, the date marked for yesterday. I took out a pen from my pocket and marked the next day, I do not wish to lose track of time while I am here, for however long I am here. There were also a few books scattered about, I was only interested in anything that had to do with technology and electronics, most of which these did not contain. They were brought here for leisure, no doubt to pass the long hours until Mr. Greenwal was needed for one thing or another. Still, nothing here could help my cause of restoring the lights. I quietly rearranged the contents of the drawers to find some manuals, blueprints, something to assist me. Unfortunately, it seemed the vital pieces of instruction were not in Mr. Greenwal's room, and now I knew I had to traverse back into the hall to go into Max's room and Natalia's to see if there was anything there that would help me.

Back out into the dark, I went, quickly sweeping my flashlight around the hall for any signs of the creature that roamed about. I dashed to Max's door and went to go in, only to find it locked. Despite myself, I let out a soft curse and shuddered now as I heard shuffling once more approaching where I stood. Once again I plunged myself into darkness as I tried to find my way blindly to Natalia's room. My heart pounded in my ears, nearly drowning out the sound of each heavy footstep that drew closer, and closer. My fingers found itself upon a door and I was eager to swing it open and barricade myself within. Once the door was shut I quickly locked it. I considered rearranging the furniture to block the door but feared the noise it would make, and the shuffling drew closer still. I found myself once again cornered, and this time I feared there would be no escape, and that I should be found and ripped apart. My body trembled in horror as I shoved myself into the small closet in Natalia's room, stuffed with puffy jackets and thermal layers to keep the chill out. I swiftly closed the doors and shut myself inside. I didn't dare breathe as the shuffling continued up and down the hall.

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