Falling for You

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Nick POV
I was sitting on the couch being lazy and scrolling through TikTok. Addison, Avani, and a couple of other people were at the pool making tiktoks. I had already filmed 2 today and wanted to make a 3rd one tonight. Chase walked down the stairs and flopped on the couch next to me.
Chase: Hey man, What do you want to eat?
Me: I'm not really hungry right now.
Chase: You sure? You haven't really eaten all day.
Me: I'm fine.
Out of nowhere I say
"I think I wanna take a swim in the pool."
Chase: ok cool. I'm going to the store. You want anything?
Me: naw, I'm good.
After he left I went up stairs and put my swim trunks on. I went downstairs and outside. A couple of people had left and gone inside by now. Only Addison, Kouvr, Alex, Tony, and Ondre we're out there. Tony was so hot. I had liked him since I moved in but he was straight and would never like me like that so I never told him.
I hung around the pool and swam a bit. I made a TikTok with Addison and continued swimming. When I was about to go, Alex pushed me back into the pool. I was near the corner of the pool and hit my head. Then I blacked out.

Tony POV
Alex: Should I push Nick in the water as a prank?
Alex asked Me.
I gave him a skeptical look. I didn't want Nick to get hurt. I always tried to look out for him even though he'd never like me the way I like him. He's probably straight.
Alex: C'mon dude, it'll make a good tiktok
Me: fine
I couldn't pass up a good opportunity to make content. Alex sets up my phone to shoot the video. He pushes Nick into the pool and I see his head hit the side of it as he falls in the water. Everyone starts to laugh but stops once they realize he hit his head. I jumped into the water. I grabbed him and pulled him out of the pool. Thank GOD I'm a trained lifeguard. I realized that people had been screaming but I didn't even notice them, i was just so focused on saving him. I laid him on the ground next to the pool and started to give him CPR. He woke up, coughing up water.

Nick POV
When I came to, I started coughing. I saw Tony sitting right beside me. I  saw a bunch of people around me with worried expressions on their faces.
Tony: Are you ok?
He asked once I was done coughing.
Me: yeah, but my head hurts like hell.
Tony: Should I take you to the hospital?
Me: I think so, just so I can see what the damage is.
Tony stood up and helped me off the ground. Tony grabbed his phone. Alex stopped us on the way inside.
Alex: I'm so sorry, I was just doing it as a prank. I really hope you're okay dude.
Me: It's ok
I said kind of confused. Then I remembered that he was the one that pushed me into he pool. I felt this delayed sense of anger. Tony and I walked to his car and got in.
Tony: OMG, i completely forget to get you a bandage, I'll be right back.
He said as he got out of the car. He came back with a roll of gauze in his hand.
Me: Could I see what it looks like first.
Tony: sure
He took his phone out of his pocket and went to the camera. I could see a bruise on my forehead. It was just a little bit above my temple. I knew that I was pretty lucky to still be alive and to have come to so quickly.
Me: wow
Tony: now can I put this bandage on you
Me: yeah
He got really close to me and started to wrap the bandage around my head.
Tony: Is that good?
He asked while showing me how I looked in the camera.
Me: Yeah, I just can't believe this happened
I said as Tony started up the car.
Me: could you tell me exactly what happened because my memory's a little foggy and ya know I was kinda unconscious for most of it.
Tony: Alex pushed you in the pool for a tiktok, you hit your head and fell to the bottom of the pool, and I jumped in to save you.
Me: Wow, thanks man, wait, did you have to give me CPR.
Tony: Yeah, that's kind of why you were coughing when you woke up.
I couldn't believe his lips were on mine and I WASNT CONSCIOUS FOR IT.
Me: How'd you know what to do?
Tony: I'm a life guard
Me: Cool
Tony: The hospital's about 15 minutes from where we are right now.
We were quiet for the rest of the ride. When we got to the ER, walked in and told the lady at the circulation desk my basic information and what happened. She told us to wait in the waiting area.
Tony: You want something from the vending machine?
Me: no thanks

Tony POV
Nick looked so cute even when he was hurt. I got up to get something from the vending machine. I got a bag of Cheetos and sat back down.
Me: Ik this is really insensitive but could I make a tiktok of this.
I ask after waiting for about 3 minutes.
Nick: Idc
Me: You sure?
Nick: It's fine dude.
I made the tiktok and made another one for Nick. I sent the one for him to him so he could post it.
After about 15 more minutes of waiting, Nick's name was called. We followed the man who called his name all the way to a room. He asked Nick some questions, told us some stuff, and left. Later on, he came back in and told Nick to change into a hospital gown. I looked away while he changed even though I kind of wanted to look. A different doctor came in and hooked Nick up to some fluids. She explained that Nick only had a minor concussion and would need some bed rest for the next week or 2. She also told him what he should take for the pain and to contact her if anything happened. A while after that we were otw back home.
Nick: Thank you soo much man
Me: No problem
Nick: ohh, hey, I have an invite to this party next week, you wanna come with me? It's the least I can do to repay you.
Me: Sure, sounds cool. As long as you feel up to it.
Nick: I probably will, it's next Saturday
I drove us back home. Nick was so tired that he plopped on the couch and fell asleep, I got him a pillow and a blanket and went to bed myself. I couldn't wait for the party next week.

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