t h r e e

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Munching on the junkies she brought upstairs she studied the sunset. She was cranky today and eating was her sole med right now. The clouds espousing the sun made her mad too. She does not even want to acknowledge the rays peeping through the clouds.

"WTF! How can just clouds overpower the omnipotent sun? Oh lord! " Her voice choked as she gazed at the heartbreaking sunset. 

There was no sun and no colours it was like another depressing eve. The sky was blank, it was nothing but few clouds here and there. Clouds looked broken themselves, the colour decayed and she wasn't sure what they actually wanted to portray. It wasn't good, that was for sure.

"Fuck off! " she cursed jumping off her bench and chocking at the same time. Her words choked out as her mouth were full of potato and banana chips. Her lungs were unable to break through as her throat jammed. 

Coughing she tried patting her chest to ease out but all in vain, all she could see is someone asking to swallow the water and a metal touching her lips. Coughing she drank water as a palm tried tapping over her back just over her bra line.

Her face red, eyes wet and hands shaking she drank more of a water and washed face with later left. She wiped her face with the back of her hand, her breathe turning normal, coughing for last time she turned around to find the same young man.

Was he stalking her?

" Thankyou" Her smile forced out genuinely as she gave him his water bottle. Her mind still running past his body, she wanted to find why was he here again? He was dressed in some tracks, but grey t-shirt today. The earphones lazily lied around his neck. He smiled, his cheeks pulling up as his eyes turned smaller, his face wrinkled.

" Yeah, be careful! " he smiled as he closed the cap of the bottle.

"It was just..." 

"Sunset was depressing?" He smiled reasoning. He wanted to be friendly, he has been noticing her for the last ten minutes, she kept on munching on banana chips and cursed the nature and people.  He didn't want to stalk her or gaze at her without her knowing about it, but it just happened. Even if he wasn't staring he could hear her.

"Yeah! I will get going. " she forced a smile taking her empty packets and mobile. her gaze confused for the fact that how does the man know she was sad about sunset.

His face trained at her for a few seconds as he took a good look of her face. Her almond-shaped face was crimped in worries today and he doesn't know why but it made him forget his own for microseconds.

She passed on the last smile and hopped down leaving him behind with his clouds and water bottle.

A lazy smile graced his face as he nodded softly.


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Next update scheduled on - 24.04.2020

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