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Earpods gripped inside the ear, he gazed upon the sky, head resting on his own tight biceps. He could imagine his iris reflecting blue glory. With the soft breeze brushing his long wild hair, he closed his eyes feeling the breeze, brushing past his nose, cheeks grazing his body heavenly.

He felt so much at peace and totally void of any tension. The soft sound of the old retro songs made him tranquil to the ore. He wanted to evade every sound of horn and cars on the street today. It was a busy hour and being in a metropolitan city helped him little.

For the slight second his mind shifted to the girl he witnessed the day before yesterday on the west side of the terrace, away from his view. Standing up he picked his mobile and looked at timelapse, it sounded crazy to take a timelapse of such a beauty when he didn't even have a social media account to share.

He walked to the western side of terrace wanting to have a look at the sunset when it was so cloudy, the days when sun and clouds mutually embellish the sky, it turns out to be a most beautiful day. His bottle and mat laid carelessly on the eastern side.

His gaze automatically shifted to the figure sitting on the corner most bench. She was in her casuals today, pink and yellow, colours too bright compared to his wardrobe. When he thought he was staring too much he shifted on his feet and looked up at the sky pulling out the earpods.

She had an early office hour and she had managed to change into her soft pyjamas before hopping up on the terrace with a mug of coffee in her hand. Her gaze lifting up at the sky for a bit just to capture a beautiful set of floating clouds, within a second she felt she was ditching sun and gazed back at deep red sun drowning down the horizon. her smile content until her side gaze captured a figure.

She shifted uncomfortably before gazing to her left. She was never uncomfortable in stranger's presence, but living in a city alone made her have her sixth sense at peak.

A young man.

His leg folded across his left and his right elbow leaned on the railing. She has been visiting terrace for the last five days and this was the first time she has witnessed someone up here. Her gaze settled on him for a second until he gazed at her too.

Their eyes locked for a bit and ended once she passed on one awkward smile to him turning towards the sun. Her posture suddenly turned stiff, aware of her surrounding.



Next Update Scheduled on 21st April 2020

Instagram - ssayswhatt

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