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She shifted on her place when her brain registered the footsteps. Her eyes remained on the sun peeping through the tall buildings.

She had shifted into a four storey PG which was way cheaper considering she was staying in single bedroom with attached washroom and common kitchen. The PG had numerous people and it was normal for her to have someone on the terrace, but never in her stay she conversed with any, she just didn't felt like.

She hated this place, where she could barely see the sun hiding behind tall buildings and she would end up looking at clouds instead which reminded her of Advik.


Her heart turned sour as she softly allowed her head to rest on the cemented railing. Her eyes no more on clouds but on her hand when she realised how much has this distance had started hurting her.

It has been fifty-fifth day now and she was hundred per cent sure he wasn't interested in her, on the day of his exam she had visited the apartment but watchman informed her he wasn't home, the same thing happened the next day and a week later. She decided she wasn't going to waste her bucks to travel on the cab when he wasn't even home.

Her mind stopped when she felt someone sitting beside her, without looking by her side she shifted more towards the wall. She wasn't in the mood to go down to her bedroom with no balcony and it suffocated her.

The person shifted more close to her and she scoffed turning towards him to glare but instead, her mouth opened when she gaped at him.

"Stop running away from me Rhea." His voice tired when he felt her gaze.

"I..." Her voice trailed off.

"This place sucks." He shrugged.

"Will you look at me?" Her voice soft when she noticed he wasn't even looking at her.

He smiled softly turning towards her, her gaze intense when he held her hand and intertwined their fingers. He moustache properly did and he looked way more beautiful clean shaved. His hair tucked behind neatly.

"I missed you." She instead wrapped her arms around his neck when he smiled brightly. He had missed her so much.

"Well someone said she would only meet me after I become a scientist?" He murmured in her ears. His palm rubbing on her back when she rested her head on his neck.

"You were waiting for the results?" She whispered never letting go.

"And it took me four days to actually locate your place, as in finding your location." He smiled pulling away from her hug.

"Advik." Her eyes stared at him when he raised his eyebrows.

"Why are you here, again?" She asked feeling small suddenly. She wanted to hear something which could make her feel all glittery.

"To reply to your question." He smiled pulling her more to him.


"I don't have girlfriend Ms Chowdhury." He smirked down at her

"I know you douchebag." She smiled at him rubbing her thumb on his wrist.

"Scientist." He corrected her.

They both stayed silent, their gaze on their intertwined hand. The soft breeze running past them. It felt so calm that they realised how their sets of stressbusters had changed. They weren't stealing glances of the sun and clouds, they were instead finding solace in each other.

Rhea smiled when she felt Advik kissing her head. It felt so pure to her, more than her visit to Ooty where she meditated for an hour in between the greenery.

"Can I kiss you?" Her voice muffled when she gazed up at him and those soft warm lips on hers answered her question.

. . .

e n d



Very cliche? I know! :p I just wanted to write it.

Would be editing this as this was the first raw draft.

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