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(Song - Kho Gaye Hum Kahan by Prateek Kuhad)

Her eyes trained on his body for a mild second, his face scrunched, the moustache glorifying his face shaped perfectly. She cleared her throat to grab his attention. Her feet shuffled as she allowed her legs to hang over the bench, as she tried making space for him.

She has been scrutinising him since last three days now, he would avoid her figure most of the time and if by any chance they locked their eyes, he would give her short smile and would rush off to another side. She would raise her eyebrows and would look amused, figuring out the fact why was this guy running away from her.

He glanced up at her, her eyes twinkling as she smiled warmly to him. Her eyes smaller than before now, her loose braid lying lazily across her shoulder.

"Hey." She smiled waving slightly.


He smiled instead. He had a bad day today, there are days when you just feel things are out of place, you really want to solve the puzzle, get them back to their respective position and get a beautiful but expected output. He weakly smiled as he realised he was trying to solve the puzzle too hard and yet there was no output.

"You know we can share the bench?" her voice wavering now, looking at his dazed state, he was lost.

He gazed at her, as if he snapped back to reality, his eyes turning softer as he nodded heaving a yawn.

He settled himself on the bench, his back touching the back of the bench as he maintained the decent distance between them. His earphones hanging over his shoulders, the soft music bursting through the small earphone, he increased the volume when she smiled at the music approving his melodious disturbance as both heard the song over the traffic horns.

His gaze enlightened above on the blue beauty as he tried not to look beside him, tried hard.

The sun drowned down the horizon, now faster, both the figures sitting on the bench capturing two very beautiful aspects of nature. Their eyes trained, face calm and they felt closer to nature even when they were sitting too close to each other.

Her eyes reflected the beautiful diffusion of red and blue, the clouds turning pink and the sky redder. The birds rushed back to their nests as the sky grew darker. She smiled, she was so lost suddenly that she had forgotten she was sitting beside a complete stranger.

She side glanced at him, his neck stretched upward as his eyes turned more of bluish with reflection.

"You like clouds." She stated more to herself.

"Yeah." His smile now more genuine as he shifted on his place, looking straight now.

She gulped trying to find herself a way to get out of this awkwardness, as the silence engulfed them as soon as song was completed, her gaze lingering from one side of the sky to other.

Her trance was broken by the thrilling voice of ringtone. His hand fisted out his mobile from his pocket.

He smiled apologetically at her.

"Sorry, alarm." He shrugged.

"I should be get going." He nodded as she heaved a breath.

No more awkwardness.

"See you, bye." She smiled warmly as he nodded whispering a small 'Bye'

Her gaze confused as she tried figuring out why this man had an alarm to remind him that its time tog et back home.


Hey, Guys, I am writing a new story called 'Letter Box', give it a try. You might like it. It is a short story too.


PS- Prateek Kuhad is love.

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