Chapter 7

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It was now  morning time in beacon. Ruby had just woken up early and let out a small yawn. She looked over to Yang's bed and saw her boyfriend sleeping peacefully with some drool over his mouth. She walked over to him and placed a small kiss on his forehead.  She waited for some minutes before pulling out a whistle, a mischievous smile on her face. She blows it at hard as she can, waking Blake, Yang and Weiss, except (Y/N) whose still fast asleep.

Ruby:"Good morning, Team RWBY!"

Weiss, who fell from her bed when the whistle was blown, looked at Ruby angrily.

Weiss:"What in the world is wrong with you? You know what, forget it!!"

Weiss walked angrily to the other side and started getting dressed for class with Blake, Yang and Ruby following suite. Blake was buttoning her shirt and until she noticed (Y/N) was still fast asleep.

Blake:"Hey guys, (Y/N) is still asleep."

The other girls looked at (Y/N) and indeed he was still fast asleep.

Ruby:"I wonder what he's dreaming about?"

On que, (Y/N) started talking in his sleep.

(Y/N):"Meat.....Come here meat monster I just want a nibble..."

Weiss:"He's dreaming about food?!! How much can (Y/N) eat?!"

Yang:"To make it simple, (Y/N) cleared our fridge on time back home. A whole week of food. Gone. In one day."

Ruby:"Uncle Qrow threw him in a river after that. Good times..."

(Y/N) just rolled the other way on Yang's bed, shoving his face into the pillow. Blake then spoke as the room was silent, the only noise being (Y/N)'s muffled pillow snoring.

Blake:"So how are going to wake (Y/N) up?"

Ruby:"I'll guess I'll try wake him up."

Ruby approached (Y/N)'s sleepy form. She started by first poking his cheeks will repeating his name multiple times.

Ruby:"(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N). Wake up, Wake up, Wake up..."

Sadly, it didn't work as (Y/N) was still sleeping. She started thinking of other ways until the waking up classics came to mind. She started shaking him up and down.

Ruby:"(Y/N), it's time to wake up. We're gonna be late for class."

Ruby's attempt to wake (Y/N) did not work, it only made him sleep talk again.

(Y/N):"Oh donut girl.... I'll eat you if that's what you want... and you mr fries, to the stomach gallows with you..."

(Y/N) suddenly grabbed Ruby, dragged her down to Yang's bed and tried biting her but luckily, she narrowly dodged it. Yang chuckles at what just happened and so did Weiss. (Y/N) unconsciously threw a pillow at the ice queen. Weiss started getting angry but an evil smile crept on her face.

Weiss:"You know what, I know how to wake him up just fine."

Weiss went to her corner of the room and got her rapier, which glinted evily. Before she could stab him, Yang yanked her rapier from the back. Blake had managed to finally pull Ruby from (Y/N)'s grip after 8 good tries.


Yang:"You see this?"

Yang pointed at (Y/N)'s body.

Yang:"Nobody puts a scratch on his bod' except me. Also, I know how to wake (Y/N) up. It's super simple."

Yang jumped on (Y/N) and straddled his hips. She reached for her buttons of her shirt and popped some buttons open, revealing her bust, and put (Y/N)'s head between her melons. Blake had a nosebleed and Weiss covered Ruby's eyes.

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