Let me build my facade

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[Moonbyul's POV]

We sat down at the coffee table in Yong unnie's house and looked at each other. Yong unnie broke the silence.

"I noticed her hand earlier on. There were some marks on it. I think we should observe for a while. Earlier when Byulie said that Hyejin going to the toilet straight away after eating being weird, I thought about it and it does seem weird. Since we all stay in the same building just on different floors, let's find her to eat more regularly yeah?" Yong San unnie says calmly, with a hint of worry in her voice.

"I agree. We have practice again tomorrow so let's just be mindful and observant as well alright." I add on.

Wheein opens her mouth to contribute, "I'll visit her again later during lunch time after I change up downstairs. Unnies, you know last time Hyejinnie tried to diet, she fainted right... the doctor also reminded us that her body reacts poorly to pressure. When I went out with her a few days before her solo was released, I heard her repeatedly singing and practicing her song even in the toliet while brushing her teeth. Then when I went to the waiting room to congratulate her after the music show, she was already moody and sighing away. Last night, I saw her looking at something on her laptop, something that looks like a comment page of sorts. I think she might have been exposed to the hate comments from her antis and she is diving in headfirst and drowning in the ocean of negative comments about her."

I was stunned for a second and then whipped out my phone from my pocket. It suddenly struck me to check her MV for Twit. I was shocked. How could people be so disgusting. The other 2 looked at my expression and moved closer asking me to let them see as well.

Hwasa must be kicked out of mamamoo.

Let's make a petition.

Why is she so fat? Does she not realise she is a bad influence on others?

Pretty sure her members don't like her, they are just pretending.

That animal needs to lose weight.

We were overwhelmed. Even though the comments were not directed at us, we felt extremely hurt and distraught reading them.

I quickly quitted the page and left my phone on the table as we sat in silence.

I turned and noticed Wheein's eyes being a bit glossy. I knew she was feeling very hurt as well by the nasty comments made about her best friend. The 2 of them were inseparable and they took care of each other.

"Okay. We shall go freshen up at our places before coming back for dinner?" I started and stood up, ready to leave for my house on the 4th floor. Wheein stayed on the 2nd floor, Hyejin on the 7th floor and Solar on the 9th.

Yong San unnie nods her head, "Okay! We shall! Let's remember we are Mamamoo, we are one, one for all and all for one okay! See yall later at 6pm outside Hyejin's apartment."

[Wheein's POV]

Byulie unnie and I walked to lift and I felt an arm around my shoulder.

"Hey... I know seeing Hyejinnie like that hurts you a lot too but let's all be strong for her right now yeah. I'll be here if you need anything as well." She says as we enter the lift.

"Thank you unnie. I just don't want to see her like this. I want to destroy everyone who made her feel like that. Those people aren't even people. They are inhumane creatures." I said angrily, with my eyebrows jumping everytime I speak.

Byulie unnie chuckled, "Haha you should see yourself in the mirror Wheein ah, you are cute, like a puppy protecting her master." She ruffles my head playfully and exits at the 4th floor.

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