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Brett and Eddy tried to act as normal as the could.
"Well, well. That's quite a crowd you have." The voice said.
Brett and Eddy didn't reply, as their mics were connected to the speaker through which the audience listened to them.
"Ok. First task."
Eddy pretended to turn to the accompanist,
"What task?" Eddy whispered.
"Oh, you'll know. And there is a surprise during the segments."
"What surprise?" Brett whispered.
"It's meant to be a surprise, Brett. Don't ruin it. I hope you know what's at stake."
"What? Our lives?" Eddy whispered.
No reply.

During Brett's segment, Eddy wasn't sure of leaving the stage. So he hid behind the lights.
"Step back, Eddy." The voice said.
"What do you want?" Eddy asked.
"Go to the prop table and see a folded page lying there."
Eddy rushed to the prop table. He found a page folded in half lying there. He read it.
"That will ruin the segment!" Eddy exclaimed.
"Hmm... ok. Look to the stage, what do you see?"
"Brett playing?"
"Focus properly, Eddy."
Then Eddy noticed a red light on Brett's shoulder.
"What? No!" Eddy exclaimed.
"Exactly. Either this or that Eddy, the clock is ticking."
"Ok, fine. I'll do it." Eddy said.

When Eddy's cue arrived, Eddy came in at the right time perfectly matching the music.
He suddenly went to Sophia and whispered something. She gave him a confused look but Eddy was helpless, he couldn't tell her anything.

While Brett played, the music changed. It wasn't the planned change according to the script, the music became serious. The Stravinsky Violin Concerto. He saw Eddy playing like a soloist, not performing or battling out with him.

"Eddy, what are you doing?" Brett tried to lighten the scene. The audience giggled. He tried to battle Eddy, tickled him but Eddy was bound by the music. His eyes spoke enough to let Brett know that something happened. Hence, Brett joined as the second violin of the concerto.
"Brett get off the stage." The voice said.
"What?" He whispered.
"Do as I say or...." Eddy noticed the same red light on his shoulder. He looked at Brett. Brett froze. He took a deep breath.

"Dude, it's impossible to break you!" Brett exclaimed and left the stage. The audience laughed and clapped.

"Are you satisfied?!" Brett exclaimed.
"Starting to. The show just began, Brett." The voice spoke.
"Now what do you want?"
"There must be a sheet lying there. Pick it up."
As Brett picked up the sheet and read he got to know Eddy's sudden change.

Play the Stravinsky Violin Concerto as a soloist and make sure you don't mess up because you know who is on the line, Eddy.

"Turn the page, Brett."

Ok....you or Eddy?

Brett was confused by this small statement.
"What do you mean by this?" Brett asked.
"Let me make it clear without giving indirect hints as neither you or Eddy have time. As soon as the first movement gets over, I want you to rival out each other. For real."
"That's preposterous! What profit do you get?!" Brett was baffled.
"Nothing for you two! I want the audience to laugh at you and your mistakes. Grave mistakes."

Brett waited for the first movement to get over. He rushed to the backstage and got a pen and paper. He wrote something down.
"Brett, are you ready?" The voice asked.
"Yeah, give me a minute. I need few words to use at Eddy." Brett said.
"Are you sure?"
"I would rather argue with him than you planning to..." Brett's words trailed off.
"Whatever. It doesn't matter to me."
"It does to me."

● ● ●

The first movement was coming to an end, Brett took ready at the wing. The next segment was to play the evolution of classical music, interwoven with various pieces from different eras.

Brett went up on stage. Eddy had no clue of what was going to happen.
As Brett gave an introduction about the next segment, he spoke,
"Brett, repeat these words."
"What words?" Eddy whispered quietly.
"Let me all tell you..." The voice said.
"Let me all tell you...." Brett repeated.
"That today...."
"First time on any of our tour..."
"I am going...."
"To play against Eddy." Brett exclaimed as he looked towards Eddy. The crowd went into raptures.
Eddy walked towards Brett.
"Don't take another step, Eddy."
Eddy stopped.
"Let me see, how well you rival out. Well, for real this time. Hence I shall be disconnecting the microphones to the speakers." The voice said. The two looked at each other.
Since Brett and Eddy were far from the audience hence they could talk to one another despite being on the stage.

The music started,
Brett played the opening and Eddy joined.
Brett knew what fake cards to use to rival out with Eddy.
So, according to the script, they would play according to their turns.

Eddy played the passacaglia in g minor, Biber, 1674
Brett: "Eddy, I can't believe you lost the script! It was such an essential part of this concert and you lost it!"

Eddy couldn't believe what he heard. He didn't know what to say. He just kept playing.

Brett played the Bach Chaconne partita no.2, 1730
Eddy: "Brett what are you saying? You're the one who asked me for the script!"

"That's a good start. Keep going." The voice was certainly enjoyed this.

Brett flinched.
Eddy played the Mozart violin concerto no.5, 1775
Brett: "Eddy, couldn't you read the script properly?! I guess you didn't that's why you're playing so wrong!"

Eddy kept wondering why Brett kept iterating on the term script.

Brett played the Mendelssohn violin concerto, 1844
Eddy: "I can't believe this Brett! After all this journey of playing together, you're saying this? What happened?"

Brett picked up the catch line.

Eddy played Brahms violin concerto, 1878
Brett: "See, face the fact. I found the script on the table. And I had made some changes and kept it back there. When I came back I found it on the floor. I thought you read it, but I think I was wrong. Eddy, you could have been more responsible."

Brett played the Sibelius violin concerto, 1904
Eddy: "Responsible? You're telling me? How would I know where you kept it? You must have kept it at the wrong table. It would have been more helpful if you had told me before. Had you been careful, then this wouldn't have happened. Besides you forgot to keep the essential items for the show!"

Eddy played the Czardas by Monti, 1904
Brett: "Keep what on the prop table?" Clear diversion.

Meanwhile he was enjoying Brett and Eddy playing and arguing. So much so that he trailed off.

Brett played the Tzigane by Ravel, 1924
Eddy: "You forgot to keep the props and the script?! See, how forgetful you are!"

Eddy played the Barber violin concerto, 1939
Brett: "I remember keeping it under that table so that Sid can pick it up! Not my fault if you assume everything wrong, Eddy!"

The later bars were played in silence.
"Why did you guys stop?" The voice asked.
"I can't deal with this anymore!" Eddy exclaimed.
"I'll rather play solo!" Brett also exclaimed.

"Bye, Brett." Eddy looked at Brett as he walked off. Brett followed Eddy leaving the stage and took centre stage.

The audience had no clue what happened.

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