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The adrenaline rushed in Brett and Eddy.
The happiness and joy was clearly evident on their faces.

"Interesting." He whispered.

Brett gave Eddy a nod. The next segment of the show, the two showcased few of the challenges that musicians face on stage or as they call it the lingling workout.
Brett and Eddy took turns to ask the audience their challenges which they would perform.

While Brett was performing the Bach sonata no. 3 largo with the challenge of playing one bow per line, he made a mistake. He played a wrong note.
Brett laughed at his own mistake and kept on playing which made Eddy and the audience laugh along with him.

"This reminds me of a quote from Beethoven. I guess you all know...
To play a wrong note is insignificant..." Eddy said.
"To play without passion is inexcusable." The audience completed the quote.
"We want all of you to know that mistakes and these challenges are sometimes acceptable." Brett said.
"That's what makes us human." Eddy said.
"Indeed. Even mistakes should be taken with happiness as success does."
The audience gave them a standing ovation.

At the meet and greet which was for an hour and a half as they had another show in the same hall later.
"The show was awesome!" Sid said excitedly.
"Thank you!" Brett exclaimed.
"Glad you enjoyed!" Eddy said.
"Enjoyed? No, I loved it! Listen, I am performing my ever first concert Rachmaninoff piano concerto no.2 this weekend in Singapore! So I am leaving tomorrow evening, till then I have nothing to do. Do you want my help for the next show?" Sid asked.
"That awesome! Um..we can manage for the next show. We have back to back show tomorrow also. Can you help with the first show?" Eddy exclaimed.
"I would love to!" Sid said.
"Thank you so much!" Brett said.
"Anytime! See you tomorrow!" Sid smiled and left.

Rubin arrived.
"Hey, Rubin. What did you think of the show?" Eddy asked.
"I really liked your show! It was very good." Rubin was thrilled as he spoke.
"Glad you liked it." Brett stated.
"Yeah.... I have a ballet concert day after tomorrow at Brisbane. So I am leaving tonight.
"Have a safe journey!" Eddy exclaimed.
"Thanks, I'll see you later. Great show again. Congratulations and all the best!" Rubin said.
"Thanks again." The two replied.

●   ●   ●

Brett and Eddy had 10 minutes backstage to rest before the second show started.
"It was awesome, wasn't it?" Brett asked.
"Of course! No doubt!" Eddy said.
"Glad Rubin came."
"Yeah, I think he had fun."
"Suppose so."

Brett and Eddy got up, took their violins and exited the room.
"Hello, Melbourne!" Brett exclaimed.
"How are you?" Eddy also exclaimed.
Everything was a repeat.

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