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The first segment belonged to Brett where he would play the Tchaikovsky violin concerto as a soloist which meant Eddy was at the wings.
They kept their phones at the table along with the props.
Eddy's phone rang. He got a message from that unknown number.
"Your show seems fun to all."
Reading this, a shiver of fear ran down Eddy's spine. He didn't know what to do.
"Who is this?" Eddy asked directly.
"You both know me."

Eddy stood watching the message. He was alerted by Brett playing the solo part of the concerto.
He just locked his phone and went on stage.

Brett could see Eddy's nervousness when he came on the stage. He didn't know what was going on. And as planned, he decided to boost Eddy's energy as he took more focus on stage causing Eddy to come back into his character.

"That went well. You have each other, huh?
Well, not for long." He said.

Brett was out in the wings, watching Eddy perform. He wanted to know what happened during the 15 minute segment of his that made Eddy nervous. Brett noticed Eddy's phone right next to the chair rather than the table, assuming he picked it up.
He picked up Eddy's phone and checked: a message.
"Hey Brett, check your phone." The unknown number texted.
Brett was startled. He looked around to see who it was. There was no one except himself. He briskly read the previous chats.
Brett picked up his phone, keeping Eddy's phone at the table and received messages from this number.

A photo.
A shot of Brett and Eddy performing, taken from the top balcony.
"You both are such an iconic duo, I tell you."
"What do you want?"
"It's just the beginning, Brett. You wait and see."
Offline again.

Brett's cue was 10 minutes later, he contemplated about who could have taken that photo and who this person might be.
As Brett entered the stage, his eyes were more focused on the top balcony seats. Brett gave Eddy a slight nod. Eddy realised that Brett had also got the messages.
But they were on stage and no suspicion should be raised among the crowds of why they performed more cautious. Hence they gave their best and hid all their worry.

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Day 2, show 1: over.
After the meet and greet, Brett and Eddy went out to get bubble tea for themselves and for Sid.
"What happened? You also got messages from this number?" Eddy asked.
"Yes." Brett said showing the image to Eddy.
"That person was there at the show? How come....." Eddy's words drifted off.
"I don't know, but this is getting really creepy. I guess Sid was right. By any chance did you talk to him?"
"I tried calling him but he is not picking up."
"And based on this message, it seems that we know this person."
"Even I am trying to wrap my head around this. Who could it be?"
"I guess that its-" Eddy was interrupted by Sid's call.
"Sorry Eddy, I had to finish off some of my work before I leave hence I couldn't take your call." Sid said.
"Ok. Have you tried to find who that person was on the balcony?"
"I did try to find out through the surveillance footage, but that person knew where the cameras were and hid his/her face. Don't worry the search is still going on as we speak."
"That's quite a hard work, Sid. We really appreciate this!" Brett exclaimed.
"Hey, it's nothing! Anyone would have done that."
"Why, don't you go back and pack your suitcase? You have a flight to catch." Eddy said.
"Yeah, I am leaving in 20 minutes from the hall." Sid said.
"We'll be back in 5 minutes. We got you bubble tea!"
"Thank you so much!" Sid said excitedly.

After the call,
Eddy, had a strange thought.
"Eddy, what happened?"
"I don't know why I feel that Sid is behind this. I know it sounds really wrong."
"What do you mean?" Brett asked
"What if Sid sent us all those messages to prank us? Knowing him, he is a big prankster."
"Oh yeah, I never thought like that! I remember him pranking Vaishnavi when we met them last time in Brisbane." Brett said.
"It makes total sense."
"But we also cannot be complacent about this."

Back at the hall,
He was still there, hiding in another dressing room far from the stage so no one could guess that someone was there. He took out the essentials he got for this 'show'.
He took it all and placed them on the prop table before he noticed Eddy and Brett coming. He quickly rushed off.

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