Ch 14: Friends?

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Scar got discharged from the hospital after 2 days. The doctors said she needs to take rest for the next week for her ribs to heal completely. Mum makes food for them daily and I go to their place to give Mike company. He has been very tired during this. All he does is worry about Scar.

"Honey. Breakfast is ready. Take it over to Mike's place" I hear my mom from the kitchen. I take breakfast and go to feed that beast and her brother. I ring the bell once. "Seriously guys why can't you ever open in the door after one ring" I say annoyed by this. I was about to ring the bell again when Mike greeted me with a frown.

"Waohh,  someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," I say getting in and placing the food on the counter. Soon fur came running towards me and started licking my hands again. "She wants to fight again." I hear Mike's annoyed voice.

"What? I don't remember her hurting her head. Is she gone cray -cray?" I ask Mike. "Go and talk to her. I am so done with her annoying ass! She shut the door on me!" Mike says pointing towards the stairs. "Watch Jack do his magic," I say twirling my fingers and heading towards her room.

I knock her door once. No response as expected. Knock Knock. "I am done arguing about it Mike" I hear her yell from inside. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. She already warned me once about Jack the punching bag. No, I can do this. Its just Scar.

"Hey Scar, Jack here. Can I come in?" I tensely ask. She doesn't say anything. "Scar, it will only be 5mins, and then I'll go. Please let me in" I say hoping she will let me in. "Ok Scarlett Mac, I am coming in. I hope you are decent in there" I say with a smirk and open the door.

I see her sitting on the windowpane, her hair tied in a ponytail. She already looked better. She was looking out of the window and to my surprise, she was looking in my room. I forgot to close the window, but why was she looking there?

"If you want to go in there, all you have to do is ask mi amore" I say cheekily. She rolls her eyes at me and goes and slumps on her bed. "So, why has Mike turned into a grumpy cat down there?" I asked sitting beside her. "I want to go back to the rink Jack," she says with a pout.

"Ok, I am sure he would be ok for you to go there." I shrug. "I mean, I want to go there and fight again," she said louder this time. "Was it not you who broke her ribs last week? You, the same person who was at the hospital for a whole week  right?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"I am fine now, see I can jump too" she jumps a little and immediately winces in pain. Shit! "Dammit, sit down now!" I scold her. "Scar, trust me, you are not ok yet. And deep down you know it too." I look into her eyes. Those black eyes are going to be the death of me!

"Scar, we know you wanna fight. To an extent, we support you too. But you have to understand that neither Mike nor any one of us can bear to see you again in that state. It pained Mike so much,  he was awake for days. Ace was...was there every day too. Mum was soo worried about you." I stop and look at her again.

She doesn't say anything for a while. "What about you?" she said lifting her head towards me. "What about me?" I asked in a daze. "Did you worry too?" she whispered. I chuckled at that and turned to her. "Honestly, It broke my heart to see you like that, and I would do anything to not see you hurt again," I say.

All of a sudden she leaned forward and threw her arms around my neck. I was numb. Was Scar hugging me? 'she is dumbass, now hug her back' I heard my inner voice. Soon I relaxed and hugged her back. I felt something wet on my neck. Scar was crying?

"What is troubling you babygirl?" I asked in a soothing tone as I rubbed my hand on her head. "I thought I was going to die" she sobbed in my neck. "I was going to die, Jack, without telling goodbye to Mike, Ace, Jonah or you. Without telling how much you guys mean to me." She cried harder.

The sound of her crying felt like a knife against my chest. "And for the first time after so long, I felt weak. I felt helpless. And it hurt so bad. it still hurts so bad" she tightened her grip on me.

"Calm down there now, you are right here. And we know how much we mean to you. And Scar, you know what, You are the strongest girl I have ever met. I swear baby girl, you are a beast. You are not weak. You were never weak!" I cooed to her.

Poor baby! I couldn't bear to see her like this. She thought she is weak, but the truth is she was far from weak. She was my lioness. She just needed someone to talk to and I will always be there. "and you can go back to beast mode after a month probably." I chuckled as she pulled away from me. I instantly felt empty without her in my arms.

"You promise and cross your heart?" she asked with joy glimmering in her eyes. "I promise and cross my heart" I grinned at her. She was definitely a different person once you get to know her. "Come on now, we gotta go down before Mike loses his mind," I say pulling her downstairs.


Scar has been getting better now. I spend most of my day with Mike and her and help her catch up with school. Even though she doesn't attend all classes but she is smart and understands everything quickly.

I also noticed how similar Mike and Scar are. They laugh the same way. Both get angry quickly but Mike cools down faster. Both are very competitive. I also have been seeing Ace a lot lately. It is clear that he likes her, but she made it clear that they are just friends. But she also said that we were friends too. I am whipped and I know it.

Seeing her behave more normal is very refreshing. I do miss that fierceness sometimes. We talk a lot nowadays. She wanted to eat out today so Mike, Ace, her and I are going to a fancy-ish restaurant to treat her for not fighting for almost 3 weeks now. "Wear something fancy ok. Something other than acid wash" I say cackling to her and go home to get ready myself.

I decided to wear a black button-up and some black jeans with it. It will do for the day. I went down and saw mum sitting in the living area, watching some movies. "Mum, I am leaving. We will be out late. Have dinner on time and no sleeping late" I parent her cause she is such a teen girl at times.

"My my! Look at you. You look just like your dad honey!" she says with fussy eyes. I give her a hug "be decent ok. Bye-bye" I wave and go to Mike's and ring the bell. And to my surprise, someone immediately opened it and what I saw in front of my, made my heart skip a beat!


Hey, lovelies!

Awwww, Scar's a softie at times.


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