Ch 22: Forgive me.

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It's fascinating how human emotions control a person's actions at times. Sadness doesn't always make you cry. At times, when the sorrow is too deep, it just makes you numb.

Scar looked at me, "Where's Mike?" She asked without any expression. Mike came running to the room. "Where have you been all this time? Do you have any idea how worried I was, and why aren't you answering our calls?" He asked frantically.

She handed the letter to Mike, he looked at her and me "It's addressed to all of us" and then began reading it.  I went beside him and read it too. 

To Scar, Mike, Jack, and Jonah,

Guys, there is this thing that I have been hiding from you from the past few months. And now the time has come for me to finally remove this weight from my shoulders. I had to tell you about it before it was too late.  

I have no idea how I am gonna say this, so if this comes out harsh, I'm sorry. I have an infection in my lungs and it's eating me from inside. There's no cure for it anymore. So basically I am counting my last days.

I need you guys to understand that I didn't have a choice but to leave. I couldn't stand seeing you all upset because of me. And like I said, there is no cure, so there wasn't any way for you guys to save me.

Mike, Thank you for accepting me as your family. I am gonna miss our guy's nights. You are the best brother I have ever seen. And a great guy.  I have watched you grow from a child to the man you are today and boy am I proud! We grew up together and I wouldn't live my life any other way. Get yourself a girl soon man. And give all my love to Fur. Love ya man!

Jack, even though I just got to know you recently, I have grown quite fond of you. You are just this ray of sunshine in our family. You are a great person and a lovely son.  Study a bit more, or Jonah will lose her mind. Take care of your lioness for me, please. Give her all my love. And take care of Jonah too. Goodbye sunshine. 

Jonah, women you sure as hell know how to cook. You are the one person who reminded me of a mother after all these years. Yes, I consider you as my mother if that's okay with you. That's one great son you have there. Jonah, you are the mother we always wished we had. And you are the queen of our small family. Take care of all these idiots for me, will you? I already miss your mac and cheese. All the love from my heart.

Scar, You should have been the first one to know about this. You deserved to know. But Scar, you have to understand I would break if you were upset for me. Scarlett, you are the strongest person I know. Babygirl, you are the glue that sticks this family together. And I am so proud of you. You have to forgive me or I will regret this for the rest of my days. You always thought I needed a girlfriend right. No. I don't need anyone. I had you, by my side, under any situation. I have always loved you and always will. I know this is a terrible timing to say this but I have no other choice. Scar, I need you to be happy. Live your life. Remember, I will always be there with you, in your heart. and I left my locket for you. Be safe baby! I am so sorry.

So, I going somewhere where it all began.  Forgive me for not saying a proper goodbye. You see, I am too much of a coward to see your reaction. I love all of you. Thank you for everything. 

Yours- Ace Lenon.


hey lovelies


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