Ch 10: Small talk

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Today my first period was free, so I decided to go to court and play a little. Deep down I wished that Scar also had a free period. She would for sure be there If she did. I went and saw her there. Just seeing her bought a smile to my face. '

Damnit, Jack! You have a crush!' my inner voice says. Yup, I guess I do. I go towards her. She is sitting with her head against the wall, eyes closed. The Scar I saw in the rink was like fire, she could burn you, but this Scar in front of me, she looks so calm and at peace.

"Will you stop following me around boy?" she says all of the sudden. "I am not following you, I happen to have a free period,"  I said swiftly.

"Wanna play Mac?"  I ask her with a raised eyebrow. 'please say yes, please say yes' shut up inner voice. "Sure!" she says getting up and stretching. I am so glad she said yes. Time to play baby!

I am currently panting on the court floor as I watch Scar shoot. Ok, she is a lioness at basketball too. Damnit, she is really good at it. "So,  I hear you are from New York," she says. Is she trying to make small talk? That's definitely a first.

"Yup, been raised there all my life" I say. "hmm" that's it, end of small talk.


I go home and freshen up. "Jack, I need you to come down now. Dinner is getting cold son." I hear my mom. I go down and sit at the table. "So, how's Mike?" my mom asks out of nowhere.

"he is good, same good'ol Mikey," I say with a grin. Mike has become a really good friend of mine. He comes to hang out sometimes. We go out together bowling and for parties sometimes.

"And what about Scar?" I choke my pasta when she asks that. "she's..she's good too. Why do you ask?" I ask my mum. "nothing, she seems like a good girl. I went over the other day to invite Mike and her for dinner on Saturday. She accepted and also asked us to come the next weekend." My mom says with a cute smile.

"She what?" I ask her again, not able to comprehend the information my dearest mother is giving me right now. "Mike and Scar, our neighbors are coming over for dinner on Saturday" my mum repeats.

Today is Thursday, they are coming on Saturday. That's the day after. Why didn't she say anything today. "Is everything ok honey?" my mum asks snapping me out of my thoughts. "yea..yeahh," I say finishing my food.

I finish my food and go to my room. I again hear Scar's car roar. Out of natural instincts, my body starts running and I follow her knowing exactly where she is going. "Hey!" I shout when we park our cars. Obviously she knows I am there, so no point hiding till we reach the fort.

"Jack Daniel Ritz, if you don't stop following me everywhere, you will regret shifting from New York" she threatens. "Aww man, here I was thinking we became friends. I just like to watch you practice Scarlett." I say in one go. I don't call her Scar cause she is surely in a mood right now.

She doesn't reply and just continues walking. We reach our spot and she starts her routine. I just sit there and watch my lioness practice. Not my, just the lioness practicing. She has this fire set up on the side every time and when she is practicing, the glow from it perfectly emphasizes her body and muscles.

"Stop ogling me Ritz," she says looking in my direction, still punching the bag. "You can call me Jack you know" I smirk at her. "Why do you come here anyway?" she stops and asks again. "I don't know. You just are awesome at this thing and you look so perf..i mean passionate while you practice." I say in one go.

"Seriously, you are crazy to come behind the school freak," she says emotionlessly. "Who said I came behind the school freak. I came behind you, lioness" I say her confidently. For a second her hard looks faded but she again got back her mask.

She comes and sits beside me. "Jack?" she turns towards me and I believe my jaw had fallen down. She called me with my name. For the first time. It sounds way better when she says it. 'stop it jack'. "yeah?" I ask her covering my awe.

"If you don't mind me asking, where is your father? Mr.Ritz" she asks, her feared domineer gone now replaced with curiosity. "He passed away when I was 7. Car accident in a storm." I say, not wanting to talk much about it. "oh, I'm sorry" she says looking down. "hey, it's ok." I assure her.

"Scar, I don't want to sound nosy or creep but can I ask you something?" I ask her with almost puppy eyes. She doesn't look at me but just nods. "Why do you box? I mean, it's not like a normal thing for girls around here. And on top of that, you fight boys? Why go in such danger?" I ask slightly turning to her.

She doesn't say anything for a while, so I decide to just drop it. "It's ok, you don't have to answer. You are just really good at it but you also get injured every time and  I just got curious." I say.

"Thanks," she says after a while. "I didn't always like boxing. After my parents passed away, it was just Mike and i. I used to always be so angry all the time about them not being there. I didn't want to upset Mikey anymore by cribbing about it. He does everything he can for making me happy. I then saw boxing on the internet. Then I went to the Rink to watch a fight. It just seemed so cool at that time" she chuckles at the end. She chuckles. Omg! And she is so cute when she did that.

"Then one thing lead to another and here we are. Boxing is just my way of removing all the anger and stress you know. And it also shows me that I can become stronger if I work towards it. No point in crying over things when you can kickass."

I don't know what got to me at that moment but I leaned forward and hugged her. Not like an actual hug, but a side hug. I don't know, It just felt right at that time. I was ready to get punched for it too. I felt her stiffen at first, but then her body relaxed.

"You are a real lioness Scarlett" I say with admiration. She chuckles again and gets up. "let's leave, it's late already. Mike will eat my head off" she says in a cool tone.  "Okie Dokie," I say and we go back home.


Hey, lovelies!

Aren't they cute! And that's probably their first conversation! (':


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