Chapter 4

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Compton, California:

Sasha woke up to the sound of loud banging on her door, she got up looking out her window down at her front porch seeing Xzander. She grabbed her robe off the back of her door, she pulled it on not bothering to close it.

"I'm fuckin coming X!" She shouted as she made her way down the steps. She unlocked the door slinging it open, "Nigga why you banging on my damn door like th- what happened?" She asked him as he walked in, she closed and locked the door.

"This nigga Cheeto stabbed me, and he would be dead but Tyrone ass wanna keep him alive and shit. I beat his ass the first time, so he did a sneak attack when I wasn't expecting it." He explained as she grabbed his hand leading him upstairs and into her bedroom. She led him into the bathroom connected to her bedroom.

"On the counter baby boy." She mumbled waking herself all the way up. She grabbed the supplies to stitch up a wound from the bathroom closet. He pulled his shirt off, and she poured alcohol on the wound making him wince and grab her wrist. She looked up into his eyes, "I gotta clean it." He nodded letting go of her wrist and she poured more alcohol on it.

She didn't have anything to numb him so when she stuck the needle in to start sewing it closed, he cursed, "Fuck is you doin man?!"

"Who the fuck do you think you talkin to? You can get up and go home bleeding." Sasha said to X who had just cursed at her for no reason. "I'm helping you." She snapped.

"My bad, it hurt you doin this shit and it ain't numb." X spoke lowly calming his tone down with her.

"Ain't nobody tell you to let the nigga that close to where he can cut you and yo bad? Fuck is up with that?" She replied not feeling bad.

"Really? You think you would at least care I was hurt. And I'm sorry Sasha."

"You didn't care enough to not get hurt; you get them before they get you." She replied sternly as she finished the last stitch and he hissed. "Shut up whatever don't kill you make you stronger." She said as he groaned out in pain. She used the scissors to cut the string after securing the stitches, she turned her attention back up to him. "There I don't have anything for the pain, and I will handle Cheeto. He won't come after you anymore."

"Imma be good and how you gone do that? " He asked as she turned on the shower.

"Clothes outside the bathroom door so I can wash them and clean up all this blood Xzander." She pointed to the bloody mess in her bathroom X created. He came straight to her house after he had got hurt because he didn't want to hear Gia's mouth about this being a reason to leave the street life alone and he didn't feel like hearing that tonight.

"Why you so damn mean?" He asked.

"I'm not mean I just speak my mind with no filter." She responded before she let herself out the bathroom. She was upset because she was asleep, but she wouldn't leave Xzander outside on her porch at 2 in the morning.

She closed the door behind her, and she stood outside the door for about 3 minutes before he tossed his clothes outside the door. She gathered his clothes and made her way downstairs.

Once she made it to her laundry room she threw his clothes in the washer, and after she put detergent in the washer and started it, she went into the kitchen grabbing a bowl, spoon, the milk and the unopened box of Frosted Flakes she had bought.

She carried all the items upstairs into her bedroom sitting on the nightstand on Xzander's usual side of the bed. She went into the bathroom connected to her room and cleaned her hands of any blood from Xzander's wound before she went back into the bedroom climbing back in bed under the blanket.

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