Chapter 26

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Compton, California:

"How is Cali doin?" Sasha asked Jessie, Dave was downstairs playing the game with X and Sasha was mad Jessie couldn't come because of the whole Tyrone thing.

"She doin good, she just got back down here from Houston, she telling me about how she had to fight some boyfriend because he had a baby on her. She got locked up and shit." Jessie explained and Sasha rolled her eyes shaking her head.

"Imma have to talk to her ass."

"Nah she's perfect for Tyrone's ass. My only thing is, Tyrone is an easy guy to fall in love with. He has his flaws but if you see through that he actually appreciates his women he's not a bad guy, and she might fall for him Sasha."

"Don't tell me that." Sasha said sighing she didn't want to have to take Cali out too.

"Just keep an eye on her when the plan does start." Jessie reassured Sasha.

"I am Jessie I got this."

"Aht. Don't do too much like I'm doing too much, I'm just lookin out I know Tyrone. I don't want you dead Sasha."

"I've handled myself this long and survived I got this Jessie you just make sure she know what to do."

"I got this tell my fiancé to call me please." Jessie said rolling her eyes. "Love you, Sash."

"Love you too Jess." Sasha said before they hung the phone up.

"Boy ended that nigga!" She heard X yell.

"He was talkin all that shit!" Dave too shouted Sasha chuckled, shaking her head, she made her way downstairs.

"Dave, Jessie said call her."

"After this game, bruh did you see how we blew that bitch up?" Dave said brushing Sasha off.

"You want me to call her and tell her you said that?" Sasha asked.

"Nah man." Dave responded, pulling his phone out.

As soon as knocking started at the front door Sasha opened it, "Wassup sis." Tyrone said to Sasha before he came in with Cash and West behind him.

"Hey Sasha." Cash said holding his hand out, he knew she was sketchy about him, so he didn't push his limits. She shook his hand before he came in, West stopped in front of his younger sister, and she sighed.

"We okay?" He asked, she nodded.

"Yo who this fool?" Tyrone asked, looking Dave up and down he looked familiar. Sasha chuckled wanting to rub it in his face how this was Jessie's new man.

"Hold on bae." Dave said into the phone. "My name Dave bruh not fool." Dave corrected Tyrone.

"This my nigga Dave, Dave this Tyrone, West and Cash." X said introducing everybody. Tyrone ain't like him, and the way he looked Dave up and down made the message clear. Dave chuckled shrugging Tyrone off like he was nobody to be worried about and Tyrone hated that.

"Anyways Imma step outside and talk to my wife." Dave said to Sasha and X before he made his way out the front door to continue his conversation with Jessie.

"Baby come home to me safely please." Jessie said not wanting Dave to get mixed up in anything.

"I am baby chill out I got this."

"I know Compton just ain't the best place to be right now and I don't know how I would live without you David."

"You not gone have to baby girl, Sasha said as soon as Cali start you out, we out. Me, you, Joni, Chance and Benji staying far away from this shit."

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