Chapter 6

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Compton, CA:

"Xzander, are you listening?" True asked her little brother, she was sitting Indian style on his back as he did push ups with just his right hand planted to the ground.

"I hear you T." He mumbled as he got to one hundred, he put his left hand on the ground using both hands to go into his next set of a hundred push ups.

"Gia is the girl for you X."

"Are you god?" He asked.


"I'm just sayin, how you know who for me?" He asked switching to his left hand going into his last set.

"You don't know Sasha, she's ruthless that woman ain't capable of loving nobody but herself. I don't need you getting hurt."

"As she should, we not doin nothin I'm still with Gia and Sasha just looks out for me in a way nobody else really can-"

"You don't let nobody in, Gia said you ain't been home in two weeks. Where you been cause you ain't been here, but I told her you were."

"You know the answer to yo own question why you askin?" he asked as he laid down, she got up from his back. "I been locked up and forced to be what they wanted me to be for three years T, I'm not doing that out here."

"X I will take care of you; you are my brother I just-"

"True just stop I don't need that I need you to let me be."

"Fine but I don't like Sasha for you." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"We are not together."

"You didn't fuck her?" She asked her brother.

"Not yet." He answered truthfully.


"I want to."

"Why X? Come on Gia don't deserve this."

"Which is why imma break up with her." X decided

"So, you can go fuck Sasha?"

"No, I mean yes bu-"

"Niggas really ain't shit yo, it be yo own brother! Xzander you inconsiderate horny fuckin immature ass boy-"


"I'm talkin shut up!" True yelled and he sighed, remaining quiet. "Don't be with Gia if that's how you feel but watch that bitch Sasha."

"She ain't even like that, that's the only time ion feel the need to look over my fuckin shoulder. I can talk to her, and she don't talk over me, she don't ask me a million questions to try to understand she just understands. It just feels different with her, she lets me be me-"

"Because she's a fuckin monster! Xzander-"

"True I really ain't tryina hear that, I ain't doin nothin just let it go." He said avoiding the subject, neither one of them were listening to each other, and Xzander would do what he wanted anyways so True didn't understand why she decided to waste her breath. "You would like her if you and Gia weren't close." Xzander said as he pulled his phone out his pocket after feeling it vibrate.

Sasha 💛: Going out of town for a week, I told West to give you the key to my front door. I will see you when I get back baby boy. (1:23 PM)

For some reason that made Xzander a little sad, he didn't show emotion though. He didn't bother to even tell her he didn't want her to go, instead he played it cool like it didn't matter that all of a sudden, he felt an empty void.

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