Chapter 20

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Compton, California:

"You all good?" Tyrone asked X as he sat across from him on the opposite couch. X puffed the blunt Sasha had rolled for him and didn't bother to respond.

"Man, the only reason I'm talkin to you is Sasha asked me to." X said

"That's fair man, I ain't mean to get like that it was just crazy how you could think I would do you like that-"

"Ion trust nobody I told you that shit, you knew how I was from the jump. This shit we doin ain't clean man yo own homie could be hatin and you won't even know it til it's too fuckin late." X preached as Sasha took a seat back next to him. She stretched her legs across his lap and went back to watching TV while they talked.

"I know man and I'm sorry."

"You know where Jessie at Tyrone?" X asked, taking another hit of his blunt he looked away from the TV looking at Tyrone. "If you do and you speak up now I ain't gone hurt you too bad, if you lie and say you don't, and I find out you did? Imma kill you my damn self."

"Watch how you talkin X I ain't no bitch ass nigga man I wouldn't cross you or Sasha like that."

"She was a bitch in New York." X retorted

"I was mad man I ain't mean no disrespect."

"Xzander stop bein petty." Sasha said.

"Man, I'm good but you had yo one chance to make me never look at you the same as soon as you give me a reason to fuck you up, I am no questions asked." X said and Tyrone knew he meant it so he had to do everything he could to make sure nothing ever got back to him. The only loose end was Jimmy.

"You ain't gone have no more problems outta me." Tyrone said and he meant it for now. He would lay low and figure out another way to the top it wasn't his time yet and he wouldn't get too greedy for power, he couldn't get himself killed.

"I work for you still man, but Sasha my girl so when she need me imma be there."

"What that mean?" Tyrone asked.

"I work for her first." X responded

"Hold on now I-"

"Not up for discussion-"

"I'm not gonna take him from you Tyrone, I won't step on your toes with him or you getting control of the west as long as you don't fuck with me."

"What y'all just accusing me of bein a snake?" He asked chuckling.

"No, I just want you to know that if you ever approach him like that again I will make your life a living hell before I kill you and everybody you care about." Sasha said with a straight face and after she finished her sentence Tyrone glared into her eyes and knew she meant every word. She smiled when she seen he was a little scared. She had worked hard for her reputation and although she was in love that didn't change how ruthless she was, and people obviously forgot that. So, she had to remind them who she was. "I love you." She said.

"Yeah, Love you too sis." Tyrone mumbled realizing he had fucked up a little because the tension in the room right now made him feel like they didn't trust him, and they didn't. In fact, they didn't trust anyone, but each other and they were okay with that. They were ruthless but together they were merciless. She was exactly what he needed, and he was exactly what she needed and together they hadn't even realized the fear they brought on people.

Both of their names held weight for different reasons, when you heard Sasha's name you knew she was a hustler, it was always about business for her, and everybody knew that so if you fucked with her business. She sent for you. When you heard Xzander's name the first thought was killer. A cold-hearted fearless man who was silent, that's why they called him X. The X in his name was silent and it fit perfectly.

"When I find Jessie..." Xzander put his fingers in the shape of a gun and pretended to pull the trigger. "Pow..." He said before he started laughing.

Sasha shook her head chuckling reverting her attention back to the TV, "You got some to say X?" Tyrone asked he knew Jessie was safe, she was in Barbados with her best friend and parents. He had nothing to worry about but himself.

"I'm just lettin you know." He responded before Sasha's front door opened; they looked over at True.

"Damn the hostility in this muh fucka crazy." True said as West came in behind her.

"Wassup y'all." West said, nodding his head. "Sash, can I holla at you?"

"Yeah. I'll be back baby." Sasha pecked Xzander's lips before she got up following West upstairs into her bedroom. He closed the door behind her, and she crossed her arms over her chest looking at her brother. "Wassup?"

"I want the West." He admitted.

"What?" She asked confused.

"I wanna run the West, I ain't got no real shot without some help from you and-"

"No." Sasha said laughing.

"What you laughing for?" he asked in an offended tone.

"Don't be offended but when I go to war for territory, I hand it over to a woman, it's hard for women in this life West and you my brother and all but if I ever go to war with Jimmy and I win? I wouldn't give it to you." She replied being honest with him.

"Damn I'm yo brother Sash, if X-"

"I wouldn't give him shit either, I'm in love with him not stupid. Now I can promise that I won't step on nobody's toes, and I'll keep the south and the east out of it." She shrugged. "If Xzander gets hurt in anyway, I will end each and every one of y'all."

"You know you been actin real spiteful since you started fuckin with him." West said, getting in Sasha's face.

"You gone be like yo daddy and hit me West?" Sasha asked tauntingly the smirk that formed on her lips when she hit below the belt made him angry.

"I told you I-"

"Get the fuck out my face if you ain't gone do shit." She pushed him.

"Ion even know why I try wit yo ass man move." He said. "And don't ever compare me to him I ain't gone ever put my hands on you I'm yo big brother-"

"Oh, so you can sit there and watch him hit me though and then come ask me for help and get mad when I say no? Like I'm obligated to kiss yo ass, West get the fuck on for real I let this shit go but after what the fuck I dealt with don't you ever fuckin come at me like I owe you anything." She said pointing her finger at him warning him one last time. "I care about you, but I don't give a fuck about you living and you know it."

"I'm sorry Sash, I just want you to know that if I could go back I would and I would protect you." He replied not wanting to piss her off.

"Boy fuck you. Get out." She said, waving him off and he walked out of the room, she closed the door behind him. She had been way too emotional lately, she was tired. She just wanted to cry, and she couldn't, everybody already thought she was getting weak, and she couldn't have that.

She took deep breaths to calm herself down, she didn't want Xzander to know anything was wrong. He was the only one that seen through her and she knew soon there were things she would have to explain to him, and she didn't even know how to talk about it.

She thought she forgot about it but honestly, she woke up everyday and just thought about it less. Her past always crossed her mind even for just a split second, and in a way, she did hold on to it, but it made her stronger and that was what she wanted. She thrived off pain, but everything was starting to hit her, and she had nowhere else to run. Not in real life or in her head, and her surroundings didn't help at all.

Wicked III: The Story Of Sasha & X (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now